Module 5: Assignment 1: The Problems of Evil and Suffering
Charles D. Hunt IV
Argosy University, Orange California
Evil and suffering is something that all human beings deal with one way or the other. That is why many people turn to religion to cope with the problems of this crazy world, and have faith that they are suffering because their faith is being tested to ensure that they are true believers of the faith and religion that there in. To fully understand evil and suffering here is the definition of both. Evil is the cause of human suffering, there are two types of evil. One is moral evil, which is the acts of humans which are considered to be morally wrong. The second type of evil is, natural evil, which are natural disasters
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There are numerous Jewish reactions to the issue of detestable and enduring. The Tenakh shows that anguish can be a discipline for sins.
Suffering has reason in Islam; it tests our confidence and remedies our unbelief. Suffering is either the difficult consequence of wrongdoing, or it is a test. In the last view, enduring tests conviction; a genuine Muslim will stay loyal through the trials of life. In any case, enduring likewise uncovers the concealed self to God. Enduring is incorporated with the texture of presence so God may see who is genuinely honorable
The premise of Buddhism is a principle known as the Four Noble Truths. The First Truth is that all life is enduring, torment, and hopelessness. The Second Truth is that this misery is brought on by narrow minded longing for and individual craving. ... The Fourth Truth is that the best approach to defeat this wretchedness is through the Eightfold Path (Willett, 2015).
In Christianity, enduring is an instrument God uses to stand out enough to be noticed and to fulfill His motivations in our lives. It is intended to build our trust in the Almighty, yet enduring requires the correct reaction in the event that it is to be fruitful in achieving God 's motivations. Experiencing drives us to hand trust over our own particular assets to living by confidence in God 's assets.
The 5 religions point of
Mary after the death of her baby “For as I was going up and down mourning and lamenting my condition…” (Rowlandson) . Olaudah is tormented by his sudden loss of freedom “I now wished for the last friend,death, to relieve me…”(Equiano 56) and “ I envied them with freedom they enjoyed and as often wished I could change my condition for theirs.”(Equiano 58) Both these characters are tormented by their loss. Torment is similar to suffering but torment is something sudden that can scar you while suffering creeps up on you while it slowly takes away your
Suffering is part of the human condition in which one undergoes pain, distress or hardships. When most people suffer from any sort of distress, they experience terrible agony. Depression, at times, is their end result. However, others attempt to escape suffering and become stronger individuals. They begin discovering inner strengths, which allows them to get past suffering rather than becoming weaker. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Olaudah Equiano and A Narrative of the Captivity by Mary Rowlandson are both narratives written by two individuals in which they are faced with the challenge of overcoming obstacles that refrain them from growing stronger and detaining from the affliction they are met with. These obstacles include of distress, struggles and difficulties.
The theme of suffering will be talked about throughout this essay. Even though it isn’t the most pleasant topic to talk about, it is part of our lives. The dictionary defines suffering as “The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.” This essay will examine suffering and how it shows up in different printed sources, as well as in my personal life.
Buddhism’s four noble truths are Buddha’s declaration of key discoveries of his quest to find enlightenment. The first noble truth is that all humans suffer, this is called dukkha. This philosophy came through to Buddha by realizing that all being try to achieve happiness and when they fail to succeed they suffer and thus life is full of suffering. People also suffer because of fear, fear of death, fear of sickness, fear of poverty. The second noble truth is what causes the suffering which is desire or also called tanha. Our desires are endless, people always want bigger and better things, and when our desires are not met we suffer because of it. The third noble truth is the cure or the prescription to the first two truths, it is called the eightfold path. The
In other words, some people refer to evil as sin and suffering; others think of it as a separation from God while still more people personify it in the form of satan. My purpose here is not to discuss what form evil may take in an individual's life even though it may come up periodically. The central fact remains that evil, in one form or another, does exist and anyone not willing to believe in this reality quite frankly lives in a different dimension. Either that, or they simply live in a total state of denial! Keeping all this in mind, what I want to accomplish in this paper is to first explore the idea that evil is a relative term that exists within the context of each situation. Ah, yes! Even as I wrote that last sentence, I could see the wheels turning in your head. But not to worry. I will clarify soon. From this point, I will seek the wisdom of people who have tried to answer these tough questions proposed on the first page, come to some more conclusions through personal interviews and then end on a more personal note, using the help of my life experience as a Christian. This topic hits me hard at times. I often find myself in reflection, trying to formulate an answer to the evil that I see, and yes, the evil that I do. This evil will sometimes leave me feeling totally powerless and at its mercy. Yet I never give up hope for I know that just through the process of writing this paper, some new insights will be
Suffering is an obstacle that everyone has to confront at all times in their life. Most of time, suffering is painful. However, if people consider it as a chance for learning, they can gain a broader appreciation of life and success. They will grow one step further in the process of overcoming and stepping out from the disincentive. However, confronting suffering is not necessarily drawing the beneficial consequences: sometimes, suffering seems ultimately pointless. It may ruin people devastatingly and even lead them to the dehumanization by drawing out their negative hidden traits. A Long Way Gone--a book of Ishmael’s dreadful memories of being a boy soldier and the atrocious truth of the war--and Othello--a tragedy of jealousy, vengeance, and love--indicate those two
The Buddha's teachings were based on the fact of that human existence is painful. It was also based on the ultimately dissatisfying character of human life with emphasis on finding a way to escape and attain perfection from the different lives. Buddhism also believes that the universe is a product of Karma. The Four Noble Truths are the truth of misery (dukkha), the truth that misery originates within the craving for pleasure and for being or nonbeing (samudaya), the truth that this craving can be eliminated (nirodhu), and the truth that this elimination is the result of following a methodical way or path (magga). There
Suffering compels you to look up and long for your heavenly redemption (Ps. 121; Rom. 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:17).
In other words, Nirvana stands as the state in which suffering, desire, or sense of self does not exist, and leaves the subject released from karma. In the religion, the four noble truths recapitulates the philosophies of Buddhism in a formula: 1) the truth of suffering, 2) the truth of the cause of suffering, 3) the truth of the end of suffering, and 4) the truth of the path to the end of suffering. The four noble truths simplifies further to, “Do what is beneficial, avoid doing harm, and keep the mind pure.” (Hayes). Buddhism’s background and beliefs diverse from Judaism's in several ways.
The most influential definition of evil is nicely summarised by Swinburne proclaimed when discussing about evil, context is very important factors to consider when talking about the subject of evil he said evil include physical pain, for
“Suffering” is a word which carries negative connotations, used to incite pity, empathy or fear. Why would it not? Is suffering not simply agony, defined justly by the Oxford Dictionary as “the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship” (“Suffering)? Yet, we accept suffering as part of life, a fundamental aspect that defines living. Nietzsche tells us that the very act of living is suffering itself, but to survive is to find value in that suffering. Yet, what sort of value can be attached to an idea so negative? Pico Iyer’s editorial in the New York Times explores the value of suffering, likening suffering to passion and “[p]assion with the plight of other’s makes for ‘compassion’” (________________).I began to think upon the cohesive
All that practice Buddhism also are aware of the four noble truths, Dukkha, Samudaya, Niodah, and Magga. These truths simply state suffering exists, recognition that there is a cause for suffering, there is an end to suffering and in order to end suffering, you must follow the Eightfold Path.
The suffering of man is a very complicated matter that is most likely impossible to understand completely. It is a subject that people have grappled with since the dawn of recorded history. In fact, suffering is evident in every form of art man has created. Suffering is in our paintings, our poetry, our music, our plays, and in anything else that is conceivable. But still, we as a whole still struggle with the idea of suffering. It is my opinion that some individuals may grasp the notion of suffering more than others, but that no one person will ever fully understand suffering in every form. A person may only understand his or her own personal suffering, not suffering as a whole. It is the next step to then say
To me Christianity is about God seeking us out, calling us back to him. In this life, we are separated from Him, so there will be suffering. However, if we use this precious gift of life to answer His call, He will deliver us into an eternity of peace. He has given us a choice, but most of us choose to reject Him.
We see this in The Book of Job too. To Job, suffering happens as a result of God testing us. A Satan questioned the followings of God's people. This led to God testing his best subject, Job. God made Job suffer in the worst way any human being could. This would be physical suffering and mental suffering. When God took away Job's family and possessions, he suffered mentally. All of his possessions and loved ones were gone without a reason known to him. It was physical suffering when he was struck with sores about his body. This also gives reason to suffering that happens when you can't explain it. Even a person who thinks that they are perfect can suffer. You could be just like Job, almost a perfect worshiper. That would be even more the reason for you to be tested. The Book of Job is one of the teachings of the Bible, a spiritual and religious guide. A person reading this would believe that suffering is a test. It is a test of your faith, your faith in God. Therefore, if we were suffering, as long as we keep faith, the suffering will end. As long as we keep faith the suffering will stop, and better things will happen and develop.