
The Problem Of Organ Donation

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People are finding themselves dying with the decrease of organ donates. Randy Creech finds himself in need of new heart but has been place on long waiting list. Randy has been waiting for months just waiting to found a match but like many others they find themselves dying before getting their match. There been talk between doctors on should them be compensation for organ donates but what would the price be. Should Randy be able to go buy heart from a different country or black market to keep himself alive. So the question is raised should we be able to sell are body parts without being punished by government.
Supply and Demand Over the past years the demand for organs has been increasing more and more every year. All these people that have place on wait list for months and years waiting for match. Due to very low amount of organ donates. Many of these people on the wait list either do not make or look for other ways to obtain organs. Due to the high demand of organ transplant people have taking advantage of this need to an illegal market of selling Organs. “There is a serious shortfall in cadaveric organ donations, with only 40-60% of U.S. families consenting to organ recovery.” (Burrows, 2016) With the demanding need of organs people have found themselves looking into other countries and the black market. The Black market has been around but seeing the huge demand for organs many of these “20000 other wiling vendor”(Campbell, 2016) illegal sellers stealing from the poor

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