
The Prison System And The Prisons System Essay

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After watching both of these videos, it made me realize how much prison affects someone. In the US the prison system is completely different than the prison system in Denmark. After watching Prison State, I didn’t really know what the pros were of our prison system. I saw more cons than pros. I was completely shocked by the way that Denmark runs their prison system. The video confused me a bit, so I did some research and found an article that I understood a little bit better about Denmark’s prison system. The US prison system is definitely more harsh on their inmates compared to Denmark. In the US, we often convict the same people over and over again. It seemed that the people who are convicted continuously in the US were the people who were less fortunate, had a mental illness, and who committed crimes that were not violent. A few months ago there was a lot of controversy of a college swimmer named, Brock Turner. Turner attended Stanford University and was accused of raping an unconscious woman. He was sentenced to six months in the county jail with probation, and also had to register as a sex offender. The judge of this case said that, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him. I think he will not be a danger to others.” After three short months at the Santa Clara County jail, Turner was released. I feel like this is a great example of how screwed up our judicial system is in the US. Keith Huff from the documentary Prison State has been incarcerated five times

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