
The Princess Bride Analysis

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As You Wish For True Love
In the fairy-tale within a tale, The Princess Bride produced in 1987 by Act III Communications, with an amazing cast, begins when a young boy becomes ill and is visited by his grandfather. His grandfather brings a storybook to cheer up the little boy. The story is about a beautiful woman, Buttercup, the hero who is in love with her, Westley, and an evil prince, Humperdinck, who is there to ruin the day. Buttercup, a former farm girl, had been chosen as the prince’s bride, although she does not love him. Westley is still her one true love. Westley was a hired hand on the farm where Buttercup lived, his constant answer “as you wish” to any request she made to him was his way of expressing his love to her. Westley went away only to be rumored to have been killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts. On a horse ride to clear her mind of the upcoming marriage she was soon to face, she was kidnapped by a band of bandits. The bandits include a Spaniard named Inigo Montoya, who has trained himself his entire life to be an expert swordsman for the revenge on a six-fingered man who killed his father, Vizzini who was the witty one, and a giant named Fezzik who works on his strength. The trio are in return being chased by the Dread Pirate Roberts, who turns out to be the beloved Westley, and the Prince’s men led by Count Tyrone Rugen. The adventures of the characters eventually lead to the palace of Prince Humperdinck where the fairy-tale plays out as

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