
Ethical Issues In The Prince

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“The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous.” Thus being said by Machiavelli, in his book The Prince, as he gives some general guidelines on how to govern a country. Although some may seem irrational many of his views, like war on terror, seem to make practical sense. Ever since the attacks on 9/11, American politicians have struggled with Machiavellian principles, mainly weather or not to use them in their dealings with foreign affairs. When terrorists attack using unconventional methods of warfare that result in the death of innocent civilians, the rules of war change. Suddenly, the elimination of those terrorist organizations becomes the first priority, and …show more content…

In the succeeding Obama administration, the moral standpoints were not similar. President Obama deemed the actions of Bush unlawful and morally unrighteous. He sought changes, which brought the ways of President Bush, along with his Machiavellian principles to an abrupt end. The governmental system was thus revised, and the CIA was put in charge of foreign affairs and terrorism. However, Trump has started to revert to actions similar to those of president Bush. Threats to use force to destroy terrorism have become a common occurrence, with a major focus on ISIS. ISIS has done terrible things that are morally incorrect as the whole world knows. Donald Trump has responded to ISIS threatening to bomb them and saying “When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. And so comes into play the principles of Machiavelli. Trump therefore complies with the principles of Machiavelli in believing that terrorists families must be killed despite their innocence. Now there are travel bans on certain countries where members of terrorist organizations may try and travel to the United States from. Although these actions may seem harsh, ultimately they will result in at least partial abolition of the ISIS

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