
The Price Of Tuition Should Not Be Paid

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There are a lot of concerns when it comes to college. Among these concerns are the price of tuition and how unbearably high it is. Because of how high the cost is, people are starting to question the worth of a college degree. This topic is widely debated throughout the country and until the price of tuition has been made more affordable the debate will linger. However it is easy to get lost in the debate and begin to think that even if the cost were to be lowered that a college degree would not be worth the time to earn.. College may not be for everyone, but our community prospers from having well educated individuals. Society benefits from education much more than we realize. Not only that, but statistically college educated people are more successful than those without a degree. And while it may be hard to afford the high tuition costs there are ways to maintain the cost and make it easier to afford. This is why a college degree is worth the trip. To begin the argument it should be known that society benefits from college educated individuals. One aspect of college that is repeatedly overlooked is how it can shape one’s mind and allows them to think in entirely new ways not only critically but creatively as well. In fact, according to a report issued by the College Board in 2007 states that “those with a bachelor’s degree, are more likely to volunteer, vote, exercise, and have health insurance and pensions.” (Lewin 18) These are all qualities that make a human being

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