Introduction: No fish or any species for the matter performs the act of survival better than this one. Its ability to quickly adapt to environments in search for food could be a reason they have roamed the seas for more than 400 million years (Sharks World, 2017). This isn’t an ordinary beta fish that lives in the families fish tank, this is the apex predator of the sea; this is the shark (WildAid, 2017). As humans we hear “shark” and we tend to think of movies like JAWS or feel emotions like fear yet these do not represent them accurately. These fish do the job of regulating the sea an important factor that’s being affected by humans on a daily basis. Unfortunately, we humans as a species are wastefully killing these sharks this is not …show more content…
Almost always after the shark has taken its first bite of human flesh, it releases and swims away realizing that what they have eaten was not what the thought it was.
Not many people will bring up that sharks have been around for more than 400 million years, that there is almost nothing that is as old as a shark, or even that sharks have survived all five mass extinctions. If left unattended and free in the wild sharks can have an average lifespan of 20-30 years, 30 being the maximum which very few sharks are fortunate to see. There are over 440 known shark species that have been discovered with hundred more left to be also be found, there is also over 100 million sharks that are in the ocean today.
More increasingly over the last decade, sharks have become endangered due to various reasons but the three most important being shark finning, bycatch, and habitat degradation. Shark finning is as simple as it sounds, this is where once the sharks have been catch the fisherman cut off the fin then discards the rest of the body. The fin being sold to various restaurants and fish markets. Bycatch is the unintentional capture of anything not meant to be caught during that particular session. Habitat degradation is the most harmful due to the fact that since global warming is increasing as
Why are we killing sharks? Your chances of being killed by a shark is one in 11.5 million. You are more likely to be killed by a dog than a shark attack. Sharks play an important role in the world's ecosystem by them eating dead organisms.
The article “Saving The Great White Monster” describes the alarming concerns about the cause and effect relationship about the rapid killing of the shark population. Shark fins are in more demand and there has been an increase in shark killings. The shark population is rapidly decreasing. More awareness is now being brought to this heartbreaking issue.
I How many of yall like Sharks? Most people are deadly scared of sharks, and some just simply do not like them. Well, I am not here to inform to like sharks, but here to inform you of the issues that shark face today.
Arising over 350 million years ago, the shark species has been labeled as a human devourer. Now, with the increase in human population, the demand for shark meat, fins, and cartilage are at an all time high; therefore, the existence of the shark is becoming a concern (Budker 1971). Individuals are conditioned to think of sharks as a negative aspect to the environment, which is prolonging the effort to save shark species from becoming extinct. With that in mind, some private as well as national organizations have accepted the challenge of educating and informing people about the existence of the shark specie and its importance to the sea.
Sharks are a fundamental aspect of Australian waters, but shark culling has rapidly decreased the numbers over the past few years. The government definitely should not adopt a policy on shark culling, as sharks are the cornerstone to the contribution of social, environmental, economic and political aspects of our nation. If governments adopt this policy on shark culling, it will undoubtedly have a deliberate impact on the food chain. Additionally, even killing small numbers of already-threatened sharks will rapidly increase extinction risks of sharks. To conclude, humans contribute to the killing of more deaths than the opposite action done from sharks.
The Shark’s place in the marine ecosystem is as a predator at the top of the food chain as there is no natural predator of sharks. Sharks are not very fastidious about what they eat but their diet generally consists of seal, crab, squid, lobster and fish. If sharks were to become extinct there would be an ecological cost. The marine life that is the shark’s food source would start to overpopulate with nothing to prey on it. One possible reason that sharks are coming closer to shores is that their natural food source is diminishing due to overfishing by humans. To stop sharks from being too near to popular swimming locations, fishermen need to expand or change their hunting areas.
Many people call sharks beasts, terrible things, killers, but they are not. For instance sharks need to eat to just like humans. Sharks can eat all day. When sharks eat too much they throw it up and eat more. Sharks fend for themselves when they are hungry they might find other sharks and eat them. Sharks eat squid, shrimp, sardines, tuna. Besides sharks can never stop moving so they don't’ stay in one spot. Lastly sharks might look mean but they are
The infographic states, “Between 1999 and 2009, an average of fewer than five people died from shark attacks each year worldwide.” This indicates that humans are harming sharks even more than sharks are harming humans. Instead of hunting these innocent creatures, people should be saving
The things that sharks are being killed for is sickening. So far, humans have decimated about 90 percent of the world’s shark populations for the sake of shark tooth jewelry and jaws that tourists buy in massive quantities, sharkskin accessories, phony medicines made from their cartilage, and a huge range of cosmetics, deodorants, moisturizers, sun tan lotions, and lip balms that use shark liver oil as a base because it makes our skin soft. (Check the ingredients of these items before you buy. If they contain “squalene” or “squalane,” leave them on the shelf.) (M. R., Ph. (2015, February 08). The Most Misunderstood Shark Fact Of All Time. From
Sharks are aquatic creatures and very important to the living with lots of information humans may not understand. To start off, femeles give birth to 7-9 sharks per litter that are 3-4 feet at birth. Next humans believe all sharks are monsters but out of 400 species only 4 sharks have been claimed to attack on humans. Lastly sharks attack for 2 main reasons one reason is for defense and predation. They attack in defense when humans are in or around their territory they attack in predation mistaking people for seals. In conclusion sharks are creatures that humans are still learning about and try to understand them better.
They can swim at thirty five miles per hour(Institution, Smithsonian). They also have seven rows of teeth(Institution, Smithsonian). They have a total of three hundred triangular serrated teeth(Bradford). When Great white sharks are in the womb they supposedly swallow their own teeth. The first time they sink their teeth in their prey, it is called a sample bite. Sharks normally go up to their prey and taste them to make sure the want to eat them(Bradford). That's why most attacks are not fatal, because the shark tastes the human and thinks yuck that is not what I want to eat and spits them back out. They don't normally mistake humans for food considering only five to ten happen every year(Bradford). Once they sense food they need to get to it fast. They can swim up to fifteen miles per hour(1). Great Whites have to be fast at Cape Cod because they can not sneak attack the
Sharks grow slowly and reproduce at a low rate. Their natural rate of replenishment is low, because they reproduce late in life and produce few offspring (Sims and Reid, 2002). If too many of a certain shark species is killed in a certain area, it is possible that that species may never recover. For example, the number of dusky sharks and sandbar sharks off the eastern United States decreased by more than 80% between 1985 and 1995. The sand tiger shark and the great white shark are threatened world-wide. Despite reproduction, little is known about the status, behavior patterns, and their migration patterns of most
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s article “The Brutal Business of Shark Finning” reminds us that sharks play a key role in the ocean as both predators and scavengers.
Sharks have been in our oceans for almost 450 million years. Those millions of years of evolution have allowed many different shark species to develop abilities, and to become perfect predators.
Within 1996-2000, shark fin imports increased by 6%. To get the shark fins, men would catch sharks, cut off their fins, and then throw them back into the water. Are shark fin soup worth killing millions and millions of sharks? There are also many different uses for the different parts of the shark. For example, shark oil can be used for makeup and cosmetics, shark cartilage pills supposedly benefits our health and is old in health food stores, and shark steaks are sold all over the world. Although there are many economic benefits from shark finning, it can also threaten recreational fisheries, and other traditional ways of fishing.