
The Precepts Of Ptah-Hotep, C. 2200 BC

Decent Essays

The Precepts of Ptah-Hotep, c. 2200 BC
Study Questions:

1. What is the author’s goal in writing this text?
That with wisdom and control is what makes a great person and leader. Go about life in a respectable way, make decisions based upon what you think is right and generally accepted by society. If you choose to go in the opposite direction, you know of the consequences that come with the decisions.
2. What does this text suggest to us about the structure of politics in Ancient Egypt (for example, does it make it look like the king has absolute power)?
The king certainly has absolute power; he demonstrates it through punishment and rewards for disobeying or obeying his authority. He is the distributor of wealth, etc. So he can just as easily take it away. Although, you are allowed to think for yourself as well but it must be thought out extensively before said or done. If not and it has damaged you or the kingdom, it comes attached with serious consequences.
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How important is hierarchy [look this up if you don’t know what it means] in this society?
It is extremely important, rank and authority is taken very seriously. It is a general rule that the people with authority/power above you are the correct people to listen to and make decisions. It is suggested that leaders should not “harden your heart” because they are an authority figure. They are expected to stay true to themselves but at the same time capable of being stern when needed. If a leader is not capable of doing so, the chances of being overthrown are increased

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