One of the greatest challenges for Christians is to fulfill the commandment of the Great Commission. Wheeler and Whaley address the issue of worship and evangelism in their book The Great Commission to Worship, and provide important principles for Christians to help them see the relationship between worship and evangelism, and how it impacts obedience to the Great Commission. The following reading reflection will discuss four principles that are important to the Great Commission, and will apply those principles to current ministry.
Evangelism is one of the most important aspects of church ministry. The Lord Jesus Christ left Christians in this world to evangelize the lost. Our eternal purpose is to glorify God in all that we
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This is the point of worship. God must be honored and exalted. Once Christians have a true understanding of their purpose to worship God, and to glorify His name, that will lead to them fulfill the Great Commission. Christians will see the purpose of evangelism once worship is understood. Worship in the New Testament can be summed up in Jesus Christ. Once Christians see the beauty of Christ, they will want to share their faith. The pattern of worship is to get away from being busy to spend time with Christ. This is a major problem for many Christians. We need to spend time with Christ in prayer and worship if evangelism will be done in a way that honors God. Spending time in God’s Word, in prayer, is essential to being effective for the kingdom of God. Christians can do nothing without the help of God, so one must spend time with Him in prayer. Daily time should be spent prayer and worship. Finally, Christians must understand they are servants of Christ. When one becomes a Christian, we must tell them that they are to be slaves to the Lord Jesus Christ. Usually, Christians are doing things for the wrong reasons. A Christian should serve Christ not out of duty, but because they know and understand that they are servants of the most high God.
It is important in ministry to teach how important evangelism is to the life of the church. I used to teach an evangelism class to equip members of the church to see the importance of evangelism. This helped to
Evangelism is a passion of mine and this semester has helped me to develop more as a person and strengthen my passion for evangelism. Usually when you hear the word Evangelism most of the time, you will start to fear because of rejection. During my Christian walk, sometimes I have experienced the fear of rejection as it relates to Evangelism. However, this semester has taught me not to fear." Evangelism is standing up for your faith even if everyone else remains seated 1(Earley and Wheeler
In their book The Great Commission to Worship: Biblical Principles for Worship-Based Evangelism, authors David Wheeler and Vernon Whaley contribute their respective expertise in evangelism and worship in an attempt to synthesize the two categories by showing each fundamental imperative of the Christian disciple to be integral to and an outflow of the other. The impetus for evangelism par excellence is the “great commission”
The mission of ministry should be “that we exist to know Christ, and to make Christ known.” This primarily is accomplished and becomes reality through creating healthy churches that also plant new churches and revitalize existing churches. As the Apostles were united together in ministry, so should God’s people be united in one purpose, vision, and mission! I believe in the essential function of Ministry Action Teams in the church, given that, a key element is found in the word “action.” The church exists so that something might be accomplished.
c. Briefly describe what they look like. Evangelism consist of Hope for the World ministry to engage the world with the gospel.
The question may be asked, “what is the essence of being a Great Commission Worshipper?” David Wheeler and Vernon Whaley provides subtle element of what the significance is to being a Great Commission Worshipper – a man absolutely and similarly dedicated to evangelism and worship – and an otherworldly procedure that is formational, transformational, social, missional, and reproducible. The postulation/thesis of the book is outlined in section two when the writers doubtlessly express "
Randy Newman’s book, Questioning Evangelism, is a book about on how evangelizing is to ask questions, and therefore, letting people communicate with questions about their own truths about God. Newman writes this book hoping that anyone who reads it will gain a better understanding of what evangelism is. Newman’s book is divided into three parts: why questioning evangelism is needed, considering what questions non-believers are asking, and observing why asking questions and knowing answers doesn’t mean a Christian’s own problem like cold-heartedness or anger. Throughout the book Newman brings readers right back to bible scriptures. Even though he appeals to accounts of people like Paul in Acts preaching on Mars Hill, he also shows how the wisdom literature is applied to our evangelistic attempts.
It has been said that worship is the core or center of mission. The ultimate goal of any missionary is to bring people (entire people groups) into a passionate, relationship with God. John Piper states,
McRaney achieved to cover his purpose; the foundational elements, communication theories, and practical aids of personal evangelism. Also, appendixes are helpful to practice to personal testimonies, gospel illustrations, common objections, and more practical evangelism. (p. 235)
It is very easy for people to read a book, even the Bible, and decide that they need to make changes in their life. Quite frankly, the concept of Great Commission worship really ties some loose ends together for me. The authors did an exceptional job of presenting the material as well as showing how the linear approach to worship “… does not create biblical worshippers with a desire to make disciples.”3
The idea of spiritual formation has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle of “going to church” versus retaining the understanding that we in fact are the church and we carry within us the knowledge and the skill to be transformational. The role of evangelism in Christian education is to aid in church growth and expansion, as well as advancement toward the salvation of souls.
Another way evangelism relates to the Christian walk is that we as Christians relate to each other. Wheeler and Whaley remind us that it is important for the members of the church to get along and love one another. I was going on a witnessing tour through our neighborhood and came across a home that was filled
The main task of the Church and of the Christian minister is the true preaching of the Word of God. Additionally, Paul in Colossians 1:25 makes the point the central purpose of ministry is the preaching of the Word. Preaching the Word of God also includes protecting the sheep from false doctrines.
Evangelism is a wide field of ministry that is captivating many, many ministers have been called into the field. It is one of the many fields we as believers are called into. We all have been given assignment before the beginning of time God knew what he would have us to do. Evangelist’s work in many different environments in their local community, nation, and abroad. We are being the hands and feet of Jesus. we should treat it as each and every person’s salvation is important to you.
No matter what path God calls a missionary to, the initial goals are the same. These goals are: 1) Build and edify the church, 2) Meeting needs, and 3) Spread the Gospel. The task of utmost importance is that of building the church, a community of believers. It is through evangelizing that men come to hear, know, and accept the redemptive plan of God through Jesus Christ. This is done by preaching and teaching this message when opportunity arises. It is also done by living out your faith in the day to day of mission life. We are to make the book of Acts our living example in growing and edifying a body of believers (Warren 26-31) (Hodges 61-62)
Before I got myself into this pain in the ass situation, as I had stated before, I had organized a group of people who were against the vampire’s practice. Oddly enough, only the people who were at risk were involved. The “normal” people could give less of a damn about what happened to us. They saw us as a waste of space and because their conscience told them that they should not see us as a waste of space, they were scared to even make eye contact with us. Some people did not even have a conscience and even told us to do the world a favor and just kill ourselves. Although the comments and looks that people gave us were like salted knives in our hearts, we held back our tears and made the hurtful comments into our motivation to make the