
The Power Of Light Book Summary

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Have you ever had a family member murdered? You probably felt extremely sad and depressed, maybe even mad. Well imagine 6 million murders. This is what we call the Holocaust. One of the first concentration camps was established in Germany. It was soon after Hitler became chancellor in 1933. After a couple weeks of Nazi’s forming into power, the SS(Protection Squad), elite guards, the police, and civilian authorities organized multiple concentration(detention) camps to follow Nazi Policy. There soon were camps all over the land of Germany. Bigger cities had bigger camps, smaller cities had smaller camps. They were all still camps, though. SS units wore skull and bones symbols on their caps to identify. Inside camps were concrete boxes, gas chambers, side by side, deadly. People disposed in each. Packed into a box, naked, rubbing with other naked people. Stepping in the mud barefoot constantly. Eating bread constantly and not very often. Dead corpse’s just lying around, being picked up as food is being handed out at the same exact time. Your toilet was also your bowl to eat out of, and to clean the feces off of it, you used your urine. Your body was constantly dirty. And then the thought of depression? It was just terrible inside these camps. Jew families were torn apart. …show more content…

It inspired me to think more deeply about the holocaust. In this section, there was a man and a woman. This man and woman were debating on when to escape, because their intentions were to escape. The man once found a “treasure”. This treasure included food and a candle. He found it on a day called Hanukkah, which was a Jew celebration. They lit the candle in celebration. The candle that they lit, gave them light. This light gave them hope, which not a lot of people had. This hope gave them freedom. It gave them freedom because they finally decided to escape because of the happiness and the hope they got from the light of the

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