
The Positive Long-Term Effects Of The French Revolution

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The French revolution was the cradle of many great theories about how a human society should function; theories that were all about making a society full of identity, equality, and in one word fairness. Unfortunately since those theories were all new and untested as well as being incomplete; they were unable to serve their purpose adequately. Socialism, capitalism, advanced banking systems, and creating a powerful parliament with people's representatives are only a few examples of ideas that their direct disastrous effects were bolder than their positive long-term effects. Nineteenth century industrial workers were sacrificed the most by the disastrous effects. Their working condition got so much worse to the extent that the feudal condition of previous decades became a dream for them. Nevertheless, there is nothing to blame expect the early ideas about humans and how they should work. As a result of those primitive ideas, many workers experienced the factory system as disastrous because of unnecessary harsh disciplines, abuse of women and …show more content…

New development in science caused workers to “have nothing to sell but their labors", and as science made better machines, the need to skillful and experienced workers decreased, which worsened the situation for workers and their job security, which they used to enjoy when they were farmers. On the other hand, new theories of both capitalism and socialism had nothing to say about improving working condition. Indeed, some of very ridicules ideas such as fourierists ideas of giving job to people based on their personality could not help workers at all. Therefore, farming although had many disciplines and conditions similar to industrial working, it never made people to live like a worthless animal by making those rules unrealistic and unnecessary. In one sentence, “ the workers were still part of the poor “third state” but with a difference: they owned nothing even their

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