
The Portrayal Of Women During The 1960 's And 1970 ' S

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Throughout history, women have been seen as incompetent compared to men, whether it is in the aspect of running a family, maintaining a job, or, simply put, completing any task of importance. It is no surprise that works of art depict the same misogynistic attitude. Such works include, but are not limited to, stories, comics, and television shows. Not only does this discrimination hinder on gender, but also race, socio-economic class, ethnicity, religion, and any other factors that deem one different from the “norm”. Most works state men as the competent being, but what they really mean is white men and, even more specifically, white men with money, so discrimination has been brought upon white females and both black males and females.
From a very young age, girls are held to different standards than boys. They are expected to act differently, strive for different things, and lead a more cleanly life. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, feminism was not yet a prominent idea. You wouldn’t see large groups of women, and some men too, crowding the streets promoting their beliefs that women and men should receive equal pay, women should be able to hold positions of importance in the workplace, and absolutely not that women should be able to hold a political position of any sort. An article that we read this semester focused solely on the evolution of types of feminism throughout the last few decades. In mid-1900, daughters were expected to uphold the duties that her mother performed

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