
The Population Of Hidalgo County

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Introduction In 2013, the population of Hidalgo County was estimated to be 815,996, an increase of 9,444 (2%) over the 2012-estimated population. The county seat is located in the City of Edinburg. The governing body of Hidalgo County is the Commissioners Court. The Commissioners Court is comprised of the County Judge, who serves as the presiding officer, and four Commissioners from one of the County’s four road and bridge precincts. Each member of the Commissioners Court is elected to a four-year term of office. The Commissioners Court has certain powers expressly granted by the legislature and powers necessarily implied by such grant. One of the most important duties of the Commissioners Court is management of the finances of the County. Among other things, it approves the budget, determines the tax rates, approves contracts in the name of the County, determines whether indebtedness should be authorized and issued, and appoints certain County officials. The Commissioners Court is required to adopt a final budget by no later than the close of the calendar year. This annual budget serves as the foundation for the County’s financial planning and control. The budget includes appropriations for the general fund, certain special revenue funds, debt service funds, and proprietary funds. The budget is prepared by fund, function, department, and object codes. Transfer of appropriations between departments requires the approval of Commissioners Court.
The County provides a full

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