Introduction In 2013, the population of Hidalgo County was estimated to be 815,996, an increase of 9,444 (2%) over the 2012-estimated population. The county seat is located in the City of Edinburg. The governing body of Hidalgo County is the Commissioners Court. The Commissioners Court is comprised of the County Judge, who serves as the presiding officer, and four Commissioners from one of the County’s four road and bridge precincts. Each member of the Commissioners Court is elected to a four-year term of office. The Commissioners Court has certain powers expressly granted by the legislature and powers necessarily implied by such grant. One of the most important duties of the Commissioners Court is management of the finances of the County. Among other things, it approves the budget, determines the tax rates, approves contracts in the name of the County, determines whether indebtedness should be authorized and issued, and appoints certain County officials. The Commissioners Court is required to adopt a final budget by no later than the close of the calendar year. This annual budget serves as the foundation for the County’s financial planning and control. The budget includes appropriations for the general fund, certain special revenue funds, debt service funds, and proprietary funds. The budget is prepared by fund, function, department, and object codes. Transfer of appropriations between departments requires the approval of Commissioners Court.
The County provides a full
Budget preparation is a process with designated groups and individuals having defined responsibilities. According to Irene S. Rubin “ The public budget process mediates between organizations and individuals who want different things and determines who gets what out of the budget.”1The Government set up an annual budget that includes people perspectives, opinions , accountability and than determine how the budget will get divided based on protected interests. Moreover, Public budgeting determines how government spend money, provide necessary resources , and limit government expenditures to prevent overspending.
In addition to the CCP, each county has an executive committee comprised of CCP members that include; the Chief probation officer, Chief of police, Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender, Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, a representative from either the County Department of Social Services, Mental Health, or Alcohol and Substance Abuse Programs, who are appointed by the County Board of Supervisors (Bird 2016). The Executive Committee presents the recommended plan, which is deemed accepted by the county Board of Supervisors unless the Board rejects the plan by a four-fifths vote. This complex mix of bureaucracies is in place to separate the state from any direct realignment responsibilities other than funding 2016).
The County Mayor is responsible for the oversight of day-to-day operations of multiple departments including the Ambulance Service, Emergency Management, Animal Services, Risk Management, Recovery Court, Correctional Work Center, Youth Services, Solid Waste, Landfill, Information Technology, Building Codes, Planning, Engineering, Building Maintenance, Vehicle Maintenance, Domestic Violence, Fire & Rescue, Archives, and Community Learning. Conversely, the other elected officials are only responsible for the department they were elected to oversee. Further, each office may have additional tiers to support subdivisions of the office for example: Finance includes payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, audit, fixed assets, grants, and budgets.
In the budget documents mention that the focus of the county will be emergency preparedness, fire protection and public safety; protect public health; promote healthier communities and living habits; conduct elections; maintain a strong, vibrant public library system; expand and protect park and open space resources and continue to promote sustainability and conservation. they will also complete Phase 1B of the County Operations Center and Annex redevelopment project and will start work on a new Sheriff's
For example interest rates, the cost of raw materials including fuel, the number of sales or orders that we make and in turn all of these rely on other factors. The best therefore that can be done when developing a budget is to look at all the factors that are likely to affect the budget and decide how to take account of each one. If there is a previous budget (last year or last month) then it is sensible to look at how this has been achieved or not as the case may be, and what factors affected the outcome. If we are looking at monthly budgets it might be a better comparison to look at the same month twelve months ago as well as the previous months. The more factors we take into consideration when estimating a budget, the more accurate our budget will be.
The budget process is a powerful planning tool for government to make important resource decisions. According the Carney and Schoenfeld‘s article on How to read a Budget, an operating budget is a reflection of government’s financial plans. When a budget is
Williamson county, County Judge is Dan Gattis the District attorney is Shawn Dick, County attorney Dee Hobbs, Sheriff Robert Chody, Tax / collector Larry Gaddes, Justice courts are Precinct one Dain Johnson, Precinct two Edna Staudt and Precinct three Bill Gravel. County surveyor Joe Baker, Constables Vinnie
I was selected to write about the 29th District of Texas, which is located in the eastern portion of the greater Houston area. This entire district is located in Harris County. Pasadena, Humble, and Jacinto City are some of the largest cities in the district. The current population is 718,000 people which is a very large leap from the census before that, 653,000. This district is very diverse and is considered a major-minority district which means that the majority of the population is other races other than white.
County governments are considered local governments within the state. The board of commissioners is the head of a county. Each commissioner is elected by the town and is permitted for four years of service. So, why are county governments so important to me? County governments do so much for us every day; For example, they provide jobs, oversee health care services, and maintain roads.
In the executive branch of Texas, the top official is the Governor. Texas has what is called a plural executive, where the power is distributed among several elected officials as well as various boards and commissions. The plural executive consists of the Governor; lieutenant governor; secretary of state, who is appointed by the governor; attorney general; comptroller of public accounts; commissioner of the general land office; commissioner of agriculture and railroad commissioners, which include three
In addition, each precinct is required to have one to two Justice of Peace Courts, depending on the precincts population. Such courts have very little original jurisdiction over criminal matters limited to Class C misdemeanor and some jurisdiction over civil matters, including small claims. Other functions for Justice of Peace Courts include issuing search and arrest warrants and serving as coroner in counties that have no provision for medical examiners.
County sheriffs are extremely crucial. Sheriffs are largely responsible for overlooking law enforcement officials, operating jails and detention centers, and keeping courts safe. Sheriffs are given the ability to make arrests anywhere within the county, make routine traffic stops, complete accident reports, and perform criminal investigations. As if that in itself wasn’t enough, a sheriff maintains the court’s reputation for being a safe and secure environment, acting as a bailiff if needed, serving court papers, etc. Jails and detention centers are often run and controlled by sheriff’s departments as well, which results in a sheriff being held accountable for supervising inmates, protecting their rights and providing necessities for
The budgeted income statement, cash flows, and balance sheet follow in order. The income budget relies on the revenue and expense forecast from the operating budget, while the budget cash flows are planned for financial and investment activities. A final component of the budget process, the projected balance statement, can be used to tie in all the budgeting dependencies. Once a budget has been prepared, evaluation can be expected before approval. Budgetary components may require several iterations before finalizing the organizational budget.
The United States under the Articles of Confederation had a Federalist nation in its truest and basest sense. Originally, the Articles united the separate states together under an extremely weak central Congress with few powers. That left most of the powers of government with the states, which caused many problems in terms of regulation and protection of rights and liberties. Most states had different currencies, taxes, protections of rights (in the individual state constitutions), and other policies that made it difficult for the states to coexist, however, with the power in the individual states, most policy more closely reflected the peoples of the region. When it became clear that the Articles of Confederation were no longer working
During the years of 2000 and 2050, the overall population of the elderly population is anticipated to rise by 135%.