
The Pool Monologue

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It was the 12th of February 1965, it’s 5 am and we are about to go on a journey of a lifetime. My name is David Pepper I’m 18 years old, I'm a second-year art student at the University of Sydney. Me and 35 other students are about to embark on a journey of a lifetime. we start in Sydney where we collect the bus and start to head for Wellington. Saturday the 13th of February it was around 11 am when we arrived in Wellington. As soon as we arrived we immediately saw houses which were made of tin and didn’t look very welcoming, it was very overcrowded with kids which were running all over the place, many of these kids had eye diseases and have no way of getting treated. That day when a few of us went to the pub we came across discrimination where …show more content…

That day we arrived we decided to go to the pool. When we got down to the pool we tried to buy tickets which would allow us to access the pool, the manager rudely denied us and said that no dark skins are allowed access to the pool. That day we decided to bloke up all the gates to the pool which made it harder for everyone to access the pool. We weren’t going to let anyone in unless we could get the manager to give pool access to the aboriginal as well. We stood there for hours and I must say that I've never met such hostile people. Eventually, the cops showed up and removed us from the site, we knew that this was working so we decided that night we were going to go back to the pool and continue to fight for access. It was 8 am when we headed to the pool making sure that we were going to be the first there. As the day past on we finally got the first breakthrough that we were looking for, the mayor approached us and said that if we could get people to sign a card they would allow the aboriginal kids to go for a swim. It was around 3 pm when they let the kids go for a swim, it was the best sight I have ever seen the aboriginals were finally getting

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