
The Political Career of Kamarajar

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The political career of Kumaraswamy Kamaraj (1903-1975) spanning about 50 years, cutting across the colonial and post-independent phases, of Indian history, is indeed an enviable record. Representing a novel political culture neither bordering on Gandhian thought and action nor possessing the anglicised sophistication and cosmopolitanism of the Nehruvian vision, Kamaraj, rose from an underprivileged background, stood forth as a sober and robust figure winning the confidence and respect of the common people.

He showed a rare political acumen and the uncanny ability to grasp social and political realities from the grass roots level upwards. A hard core political realist, his political life was never governed by any high theories or fancy …show more content…

E V Ramasamy was arrested in December 1938 and imprisoned for a year.

This confrontation sharpened the conflict between the non-Brahmins and Brahmins within the Congress organisation. The agitation was continued till Rajaji had to opt for making Hindi an optional subject in schools in February 1940. At this crucial moment, Rajaji's candidate, C P Subbiah, was defeated by K Kamaraj with the support of the Brahmin leader, Satyamurthi. Kamaraj was elected as the president of the Tamil Nadu Congress in 1940, the post which he held till he became the chief minister of Tamil Nadu in 1954.

The advent of Kamaraj as the party boss from a low caste non-Brahmin background made a "powerful appeal to the vast non-Brahmin majority" and attracted the non-Brahmin elites and the political-minded elements "who had long resented the power and privileges" of the Brahmins, and broadened the social base of the Congress.7 The non-Brahmin presence in the Congress gained ground, rallying around Kamaraj, a 'rustic' leader who transformed the Congress into a people's party championing the causes of the lower castes. Kamaraj grew steadily from strength to strength displaying his organising skills to control men and matters. During these years his contact with the people and the respect

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