
The Poisoning Effects of Smoking

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Smoking tobacco has been practiced for years. People worldwide view smoking as a lifestyle and smoked for pleasure and relaxation. During the 19th century it was considered fashionable to be seen taking a puff from a cigarette. At that time, the world was blind to the negative effects of smoking tobacco. However, during the 20th century, scientific research began and The American Cancer Society began to emphasize the health risks of smoking cigarettes. By 1964 a Surgeon’s General warning was seen on every pack of cigarettes across the U.S. linking smoking to lung cancer. Even with the astounding evidence of the health effects, cigarette smoking continues to claim the lives of thousands of Americans each year. Cigarette smoking causes permanent damage for not only the smoker, but the non smoker and environment as well. If the U.S. government were to ban cigarette smoking all together, there will be a positive change in the well-being of Americans everywhere.
The counterargument against the prohibition of cigarette smoking is that cigarette

The poisons found in cigarette smoke are deadly and destructive to the smoker. Cigarette smoke contains nearly seven thousand chemicals-including butane (used in lighter fluid), cadrrium (used in batteries), ammonia ( used in toilet cleaners), methane (used in sewer gas), and menthol (used in rocket fuel). Particularly, sixty nine of these chemicals are carcinogens. Of these chemicals nicotine is the most addictive. When a person

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