
The Pleasure Of Eating By Wendell Berry Summary

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On "The Pleasure of Eating" by Wendell Berry, he explains that we cannot be free if our food and its sources are being controlled by someone else. Most of us do not give much im-portance to Big Agriculture to realize that we are slowly being controlled by Modern Agriculture. Modern Agriculture has affected our health and economy, however, half of us do not know and that is when we realize that we are being controlled. I agree with Wendell Berry because we can not have freedom if our knowledge, health, and economy are being affected by Big Agriculture.
We need to have knowledge about our own food if we want to live in an uncontrolled way. Most buyers are persuaded to buy the food that they buy without knowing how fresh it is or how it was packaged. Most of the time people come home hungry from work or from school and eat something fast and simple. My dad, for example, gets up early in the morning and does not have the time to make himself breakfast so he usually stops by denny's to order breakfast without knowing how it was made. It is important to know what food contains and how it was made be-cause it is a way to know how Modern Agriculture produces our food. After all, it is better to have knowledge than to be ignorant. If we have …show more content…

The way that Modern Agriculture produces our food involves our health because many of the things we eat. Chicken, meats, vegetables and fruits all contain GMOs and other substances that may be bad for us. In the past years food con-tamination has increased, causing illnesses and even deaths. Most of the food that is found in markets as well as in fast food restaurants contain lots of calories and lots of unhealthy ingredi-ents, for example, corn, high fructose, corn syrup, sugar and so on. However, the Big Agriculture hides these ingredients from us from using headlines like "healthy, nutritional, no artificial flavors and whole grains" to name a few, to persuade us on buying these

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