On "The Pleasure of Eating" by Wendell Berry, he explains that we cannot be free if our food and its sources are being controlled by someone else. Most of us do not give much im-portance to Big Agriculture to realize that we are slowly being controlled by Modern Agriculture. Modern Agriculture has affected our health and economy, however, half of us do not know and that is when we realize that we are being controlled. I agree with Wendell Berry because we can not have freedom if our knowledge, health, and economy are being affected by Big Agriculture.
We need to have knowledge about our own food if we want to live in an uncontrolled way. Most buyers are persuaded to buy the food that they buy without knowing how fresh it is or how it was packaged. Most of the time people come home hungry from work or from school and eat something fast and simple. My dad, for example, gets up early in the morning and does not have the time to make himself breakfast so he usually stops by denny's to order breakfast without knowing how it was made. It is important to know what food contains and how it was made be-cause it is a way to know how Modern Agriculture produces our food. After all, it is better to have knowledge than to be ignorant. If we have
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The way that Modern Agriculture produces our food involves our health because many of the things we eat. Chicken, meats, vegetables and fruits all contain GMOs and other substances that may be bad for us. In the past years food con-tamination has increased, causing illnesses and even deaths. Most of the food that is found in markets as well as in fast food restaurants contain lots of calories and lots of unhealthy ingredi-ents, for example, corn, high fructose, corn syrup, sugar and so on. However, the Big Agriculture hides these ingredients from us from using headlines like "healthy, nutritional, no artificial flavors and whole grains" to name a few, to persuade us on buying these
1. In his article, “The Pleasures of Eating” (1990), author Wendell Berry says that the food industry and its consumers are analogous to Hollywood and its relationship to its consumers. His analogy states that people don't care how bad a movie is, they just care that its a movie and they finally have some form of entertainment, very much like how people tend to do today with their food, eating gross and unhealthy just for the kick of it. He claims that a person who doesn’t realize “the connections between eating and the land” is “passive and uncritical” and therefore, “in short a victim” of Although they sound similar, being a passive consumer of entertainment is different than being a passive consumer of food, because although watching bad movies watching many bad movies is not that bad for your health, eating too much junk food is really bad for you and eventually takes a toll on your body.
This gap has lead people to become “passive consumers” that are ignorant towards the origin of their food, how it is produced, and their role in the modern food industry. Berry argues that the pleasure of eating cannot be known without understanding that eating is involved in the agricultural process. He urges people to look into where and how their food is produced and under what conditions. He asserts that food is now a product of industry meaning the food industry no longer cares about the quality of food and how healthy it is, but how much can be produced at a small price. Berry then gives seven suggestions that can help people eat responsibly and understand the pleasures of eating. By being active in our world and in how we eat, people can eat with the fullest pleasure by being connected with the world around them and eating with understanding and gratitude
The problem with food production in America is the mistreatment of livestock, the overproduction of corn in America, and the amount of corn feeded to the animals ; these issues affect consumers’ health because of the amount of diabetes has been increasing over years. Michael Pollan in "When a Crop Becomes King” he explains that the government pays for corn to be grown a lot more then it should be ,David Barboza in the article “If You Pitch it , They will Eat It” the way companies just want to get into kids mind by tricking them into telling their parents to buy them unhealthy food just for the toy it comes with, In “Pleasures of Eating,” Wendell Berry most of the people just rather be eating out then making food. There is uncertainty about the way food is produce because we cannot control people on what they
Wendell Berry’s “The Pleasures of Eating” is a strong-opinioned article on how and why people (in his view) take for granted the food they are served and nourished with everyday. The read itself is lengthy in the fact that the first three pages don’t mean that much; the numbered bullet points starting on page four outline what the author was trying to say throughout the whole piece. Berry is such a smooth writer with a strong vocabulary, that reader’s like myself could have trouble staying on topic with his side thoughts in just about every sentence. In dissecting his bullet points, I think this will serve as a good summary and personal reflection. The first point is about growing our own food to feel the reward and labor that many farmers
Regardless the person, everyone still orders from restaurants, or they microwave a frozen dinner meal once in awhile. In contemporary society, it 's much more efficient to order take out rather than to cook and prepare your own food due to the lack of time. Sadly people even forget the taste of fresh, home cooked meals. Nowadays people don’t know what it’s like to sit down and enjoy a nice hearty home cooked meal, instead they’re always on the run grabbing a quick bite here and there. Unfortunately with such busy lives people don’t have the opportunity to watch cooking shows, go to cooking class, or even cook for their children. People just want to come home and relax they don’t want to have to worry about cooking and all the preparation that comes with it, they would much rather order take out and avoid all the hassle of cooking. In Berry Wendell’s Essay “The Pleasures of Eating”, we are given insight on how very little common people know about where their food comes from and what it goes through. “When a Crop Becomes King” by Michael Pollan reveals how corn, a single crop could be involved in such a wide array of industry and be used in almost everything. David Barboza’s article “If You Pitch It, They Will Eat”, focuses on how in modern society advertising is everywhere and it is taking a big role in everyday life. Through the work of Berry, Pollan, and Barboza we are shown that ignorance is a defining human trait.
The food we eat and the quantity of it is what industries base their investments on; they use this to their advantage and produce more quantity than quality for us to consume, without taking into consideration the effect this might have on us or on the world as a whole. In the article “When a Crop Becomes King” written by Michael Pollan we see what the excessive use of a crop can do to our health and the environment. The vast production of products made with corn has made it the crop which is grown more than any other in the United States, but the process of adapting to the high consumption of corn came at a high cost. While corn is the easiest and cheapest substitute for sugar and animal food it is also linked to the cause of chronic diseases and serious, long-lasting damage to our ecosystems. The production of certain things is something we might not have control of but what we should have control of is our health and what better way than denying anything that we know might give us a hard time the power to do
In the beginning of the book, Pollan addresses how unbelievable it is that humans are the only species that need to be told what to eat. No other organism has to think about what they should eat. Humans can no longer tell the difference between what is good and what is bad for them. This is especially a problem with Americans, where fast food and fake foods are everywhere. The reason for this is the way we have created new food products and have modified existing foods, making it easier to purchase something that is
The essay “Eat Food: Food Defined,” from Michael Pollan’s 2008 book In Defense of Food was written to address the American general public about the food industry. Pollan focuses on relatable topics as examples, such as family, common food items, and common belief that everyone wants to be healthy. The essay brings across Pollan’s point by establishing his credibility, explaining why this is important to us, and telling us how to react to the given facts. Pollan makes the readers inquire how we define food by drawing our attention to the importance of examining our food before eating it.
In the an article called ‘The Pleasure of Eating’ by Wendell Berry talks about how consumers should know where the food they eat comes from and learning to adapt in producing their own food. His main idea is really focusing on the
The essay “Eat Food: Food Defined,” by Michael Pollan was written to address the general public about the food industry. Originally published in his 2008 book In Defense of Food. Pollan uses relatable topics as examples, such as family, common food items, and common belief that everyone wants to be healthy. The essay brings across Pollan’s point by establishing his credibility, explaining why this is important to us, and telling us how to react to the given facts. Pollan makes the readers inquire how we define food by drawing our attention to the importance of examining our food before eating it.
The Reasons Why Many People in the Late 20th Century are so Attracted to Celebrities
In the article “The Pleasure of Eating”, Wendell Berry expresses his idea that in order for consumers to truly appreciate the food on their plates, they should know its origin and how it is produced. Berry was inspired by his realization that nowadays food productions are becoming more and more industrialized, and the consumers themselves are slowly transforming into industrial eaters. He states that there is a barrier between the people and the reality behind food production because people can purchase already packaged food at anywhere and anytime. This makes them ignorant to the hardship and the cruel conditions it went under to get on the shelves. He also criticizes the food industry, as it manipulates people to regard eating as a way of survival and not one of the many pleasures in life. Berry successfully appeals to pathos in order to further convince his urban consumers that eating is an act of pleasure. Therefore, people should take more into consideration on what they are eating and how it will affect them in the long run.
Watching the documentary Food Inc, there were a few points that stood out most to me. I think one of the most important concerns that were brought up is the consumers not knowing the truth behind the food. Whether there is actual harm in our food or not, we still need to know what is going into our food. The harm that may actually be inside our food can be caused by how easy it is to produce crap food now days. Making mass produced food is a lot easier than it has been in the past because genetics have changed animals into growing faster and fatter. This causes harm to the environment by creating factories for these foods to be made, which causes pollution by emitting many CO2 gasses. However this isn’t a concern for the producer. The producer is mainly focused on money they receive even if it causes harm to the environment or the consumers. The use of pesticides and other substances are used in foods, whether it’s in the production of corn growing or in the food in general to help keep germs out. This also causes harm to the consumer and environment that we should be aware of.
A new kind of foods called the genetically modified foods has been creating a quiet revolution in the American market for the past several years. Scientists are able to produce these new foods by transferring genes from one organism into another across species boundaries. This new technique has been developed to improve the shelf life, nutritional content, flavor, color, and texture of foods. Since 1994, about 45 genetically modified foods such as tomato, corn, soybeans, canola, and potatoes have been marketed in the United States. About two-thirds of foods that are processed in U.S. contain genetically modified ingredients. So, we the people are consuming these foods without realizing the fact that they are not produced naturally.
The food industry does not want you to know anything more than what you think about what goes on within our farms, because if you knew, you wouldn’t want anything to do with it and they would lose millions of dollars. The reality of it is, these are not farms we are getting our food from, it is a factory. Your image of the cows, pigs, and chickens running around freely is not what “farms” are like today at all. Our meat is being produced by huge corporations that have all the power in the food industry to do whatever they please to. The fruits and vegetables are being picked while still green all over the world wherever the food is in season after being sprayed with harmful chemicals so it stays fresh till it hits our kitchen tables. Our food is coming from factories, mass farming, and assembly lines, where the food has become a danger to us and the people producing it. This issue has a personal meaning for me because, I