
The Play Is Buried Child By Sam Shepard

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Chelsea Rodriguez
Mr. Cacciola Price
Dramatic Writing
9 November 2015 Play Report:
The title of the play is Buried Child by Sam Shepard. Buried Child was a play written in 1978 and the genre of the play is Drama. Buried Child is about a family in the mid-west who has been led by one tragedy after another while also holding a great secret about a child born from their mother affair with her own son killed and buried by Dodge the mother’s husband.
The characters in Buried Child is Dodge the grandpa also known as Halie’s husband. Halie the grandma of Vincent and mother of Tilden and Bradley. She also had a son name Ansel but he was murdered. Tilden is Halie’s son but also was the son who had an affair with Halie and later got her pregnant. Bradley is the son of Halie and Dodge; he has lost his legs in a chainsaw accident. Vincent is Tilden’s son and Vincent is currently dating a girl name Shelly. Shelly is Vincent girlfriend but she is harassed by his family brutally. Lastly, there is Father Dewis who is a priest but is also having an affair with Halie.
In act one the plays start off as Halie worrying about her husband thinking he may be having a seizure after him having series of coughing fits while ignoring every words she says. “Rain? Of course it’s rain! Are you having a seizure or something! Dodge? (Pause) I’m coming down there in about five minutes if you don’t answer me!” (Shepard 282). Later in the act

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