
The Piaget's Theory Descibes Stages Of Child Development

Decent Essays

1) Piaget’s Theory The Piage’s Theory descibes stages of the child development, including the actual abilities, that the child gains from infancy through the period of adulthood. According to Piaget, this includes thinking, learning and learning. There are four stages of development, related to the Piaget’s Theory: sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, and formal operations. Furthermore, Piaget mentioned that children may show characteristics that are related to the certain stage at a certain point of time. However, he insisted on the fact that development of every child is followed by this definite consistency. Sensimotor Stage of child development is presented be the period when the child is focused on the things that can actually be seen, on what the child can do and on the way how to cooperate with the world around them. Children do not know how to react on the things that surround them, as a result, they may put them in the mouth, shake these things whether throw them. The end of this stage is presented by early development of the language. Preoperational Stage is the period when the child develop one’s memory, language and imagination. It becomes easier for them to recognize the contrast between the events that happened in past, as a result, they more clearly understand the term of future. However, the way, in which the …show more content…

Short-term memory may hold in mind a minor part of the information in general, that stays in mind for a short period of time. An example of the working memory may be the case when the person reads a book and when reads up to the end of the page, has to hold the information that was mentioned at the beginning of it in order to understand the main meaning. As to me, it may be an issue and, sometimes, I have to reread one page in order to remember the primary information of

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