
The Physician's Tale Essay

Decent Essays

In The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Physician's Tale tells the story of the incredibly beautiful and pure daughter of Virginius, named Virginia, who gets taken away to be with a man named Appius who desires her. Virginius, however, realizing that his daughter's purity was about to get taken by Appius, decides that he will kill Virginia because death would be better than disgrace. The physician, the one who tells the tale, is part of the middle class and, though he does not have a physical appearance, wears clothing of fine silk. The physician is knowledgeable, stingy, and lacks religious beliefs.
One of the primary traits of the Physician is that he is very extensive with his knowledge of medicine. "He knew the cause of every disease-- whether hot, cold, moist, of dry—and how it developed, and of what humour" (Chaucer 9). The main goal or desire of the Physician is not necessarily to help people, but to make money. "For, in medicine, gold is healthful in drinks; therefore, he especially loved gold" (Chaucer 10). The Physician is extremely well-educated when it comes to medicine and diagnosing diseases but is also incredibly knowledgeable in the field of astrology. In fact, the Physician sometimes uses the position of the stars and …show more content…

"He was dressed in red and blue cloth lined with taffeta and silk; and yet he was not quick to spend his money" (Chaucer 10). The Physician dressed in utterly expensive clothing but chose not to spend the rest of his money because of his extensive fondness of gold. Throughout the prologue of the Physician, it is shown that he is particularly influenced by money and gold. "He had his apothecaries quite ready to send him drugs and syrups, for each of them worked to the other's profit—their friendship was not newly begun" (Chaucer 10). Everything that the Physician does connects to and is influenced by gold in one way or another, whether that be his friendships or his

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