
The Philosophy Of Moral Philosophy

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Moral Philosophy is rooted in four areas of standards, one of which is the central focus of Hedonist thinking. The standard of moral philosophy that corresponds directly to Hedonism is known as the Value Theory. The Value Theory establishes what is “valuable in and of itself, what is worth pursuing for its own sake”1. Goods that are valuable in their own right are intrinsic values, as referred to in the previous sentence. Contrary to intrinsic values, instrumental goods have the ability to lead to valuable things, but don’t themselves hold significant value.
Hedonism, at its core, is centered around the pursuit of pleasure and the elimination of pain. Consequently, when this balance obtained, Hedonist’s will argue that an individual is leading a tranquil life. Above all else, Hedonist philosophers John Stewart Mill and Epicurus, place pleasure on a pedestal, in the way that pleasure stands alone when considering what is good in its own right. Furthermore, they provide their insights on goes into the moral doctrine of Hedonism. The “ultimate good”, according to the Hedonist school of thought, is always pleasure, however, this is not a united stance by all philosophers 2. Opponents to Hedonist thinking, include Jean Kazez, Robert Nozick, and Chris Heathwood. I argue that pleasure is not the only intrinsic good, rather it is one among many other goods that hold intrinsic value. To assert my position, I will first discuss Epicurus and Mill’s explanation on what makes

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