
The Personality Assessment Of The Big Five Personality Essay

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Personality Assessment Introduction I found the test results of the Big Five personality assessment to be an interesting and very accurate description of myself. After completing this assessment, I was able to analyze my personality in depth. I found this information to be helpful knowledge and provide insight about myself, as well as being crucial in examining my personality traits. The big five is also referred to the OCEAN model of personality, and stands for the main traits used to describe personalities. This acronym stands for openness to experience/intellect, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. After taking the test I was then given percentile scores that allowed me to compare myself with other people who have taken the test online as well, therefore making it a more meaningful comparison. Results After taking the Big Five personality test, also known as the OCEAN model of personality, I found the results slightly surprising to me. The first measure they addressed was openness to experience/intellect, and I scored fairly low at the 20th percentile, meaning I prefer more traditional experiences and familiar experiences. The second one, which was conscientiousness, I scored higher on in the 74th percentile, meaning that I am well organized, self-disciplined, and reliable. The third measure of personality is extraversion, and I scored in the 96th percentile which extremely high. This suggests that I am extremely outgoing, social, and

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