
The Pentateuch Sparknotes

Decent Essays

The Pentateuch is mainly composed of narratives from Moses’ point of view. The Pentateuch is written primarily as a narrative because it depicts the first hand experiences that Moses encounters throughout His interactions with God and the leading that God does throughout his life in order to further His people. The way that the Pentateuch is composed influences the manner that we derive theology from these narratives, view the inspiration that is present in these narratives, and how we in turn apply these narratives to our spiritual lives as Christians. As William Sweet states, “Christian theology has to deal with underivable, original experiences whose linguistic articulation shows narrative features.” The fact that the Pentateuch is comprised …show more content…

We see that when Moses was first chosen by God to bring His people to Him, Moses was reluctant because he was not a good public speaker, but then we see God use this quiet man to do great things for His people. John Navone states, “The Incarnate Word is the Incarnate Life Story of God, the ultimate meaning and goodness of the universal human story.”10 From this point of view, it can be seen that the Pentateuch being written as a narrative should demonstrate to us that the Scripture is inspired by God for us. Each person that reads the Scripture brings a different life experience to it and can relate to certain things more than someone else can, this shows that God inspired the Scripture with this in mind, so that all of His people can relate to something that He is trying to communicate to them throughout His narrative. The Pentateuch being composed of narratives, makes the experiences more personal and we get to see the love that God truly has for His people because we are experiencing the lengths that He goes through first hand with Moses. The fact that the Pentateuch is written as a first hand narrative, should show us that it is especially inspired by God and should demonstrate God’s attributes to us fully because this is what God chose to reveal directly to Moses and ultimately to everyone else through Moses’ writings. …show more content…

We see throughout the narrative that one of the things that God wants from His people is for them to repent from their sins and follow Him fully with their hearts. As John Navone states, “The development of theology as story or biography should enrich moral theology” This statement is found to be true because we get a first hand list of the morals that God holds most important, so we can follow that list in order to live up to the morals that He wants from us. The narratives in the Pentateuch can be seen as demonstrating to us that, “When life is lived as a journey the individual structures his approach to experience according to a set of basic symbols. A pivotal symbol is that of home. In the journey towards a more human and fuller existence, the individual is a pilgrim who is journeying towards his true home, which in turn gives sense to his self-renunciation, courage, and remembering.”11 This demonstrates that the narratives in the Pentateuch can be applied to our daily lives by listening to what God is telling us through the stories, and apply those lessons to our lives as we go throughout our days, in order to inch closer to being with God when the end comes. The narratives are used to demonstrate to us what our lives could be like with God present in every aspect of them, like He wants to be. The fact that the Pentateuch is written in a narrative form that is

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