
The Outsiders Movie And Movie Essay

Decent Essays

The book, and the movie, “the Outsiders” is about a conflict between greasers and socs. Up until the point where Johnny kills a soc, there are mostly only small fights and arguments between the two. The story “the Outsiders” takes place in the 1960’s, when there were two main lifestyles. Greasers and Socs. Greasers are known for greasing their hair. Socs are rich kids who have good clothes, drive mustangs, and always have an argument against the greasers. The main character in S. E. Hinton’s book “the Outsiders” is Ponyboy Curtis. He has two older brothers Darry and Soda. Pony is 14 years old and his best friend, Johnny, is 16 years old. S. E. Hinton wrote “the Outsiders” when she was 17 years old. Her book was published in 1967. The …show more content…

According to the book, Pony wrote the book “the Outsiders” for his English project. The movie also has some events that the book doesn’t have just like the book has events that the movie doesn’t have. The movie “the Outsiders” is very different from the book, written by S. E. Hinton. The very first scene in the movie shows Ponyboy writing in his journal the very first words in the book, “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight…” (The Outsiders). The book does not show or say in the beginning of the book that Pony was writing in his journal. Almost right after that scene it barely shows a slight argument/fight between greasers and socs. The book tells us that the fight was more serious and Ponyboy got hurt pretty bad, when in the movie all Pony gets is a little scar. After Johnny gets hurt when the old church catches on fire he ends up dying. Dally, another greaser that is part of the main group of friends, ends up shoplifting because he really cared about Johnny. Dally was eventually shot and killed by the police. The scene in the movie where Dally is in the store, thinking about shoplifting, is not in the book. “He’s just robbed a grocery store and the cops are after him.” (Hinton 153). The whole scene of Dally in the store is not in the book. Although there are many differences between the movie and the book, “the Outsiders”, there are also many similarities. Through being the overall same story, the book and the movie

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