
The Origins Of Christianity And Christianity

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Christianity is one of the most common religions of the world and was founded in the early stages of time as we know it. Christianity was formed by the power of one man, Jesus Christ, whose life was unexplainably different from anyone else’s of his time. The influences of his character, beliefs, customs, and teachings, are the foundation of the religion today. Throughout time and as more knowledge was gained and received, the customs of the religion changed and new smaller groups broke free from tradition and formed themselves into their own organizations. Every event that happened shaped the religion, but the messiah or better known as the Son of God, played the most important role. Jesus Christ born circa 6 B.C in Bethlehem which is the south city of Jerusalem was born of Virgin Mary and Joseph, but as the author states, “Christians have believed that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The details are fully explained in the rabbinic interpretation which is provided in the Old Testament. (Fisher, 2014, 305) There is very little written about Jesus’s early life. But what is said in The Gospel of Luke (2:41-52) conveys that when Jesus was 12 years old, he had accompanied his parents on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and they became disunited. After a few days, he was found in a temple conversing affairs with some of Jerusalem’s elders. Throughout the New Testament, there are a few trace references of Jesus working as a carpenter while he was a young adult. Moreover, at age 30

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