
The Oppression Of Capitalism And Poverty In The United States

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Capitalism is defined as a system that uses a labor for wage exchanged to benefit the ruling class. Day in and day out people work for minimal pay to support themselves and their family. In a world dedicated to helping the rich become richer, what is left for the working class? This system is purely based around the oppression of the working class, by keeping wealth from the poor, gentrifying communities, and using systems that imprison those of lower income. The system does not allow for the working class to make much or gain economically nor socially. The capitalist system is the downfall of the working class, for those who spend all their time working for wages, it seems that the benefits do not outweigh the faults in the system’s design. The ruling class holds most of the wealth in the world, but where does that money go? The thought would be that all the wealth would be distributed that seems “fair” in a capitalist society. While there would still be poverty the difference between economic classes the progression through that classes would show a steady growth. Though the rich would still be more well off than those making up the middle and lower class, the wealth would be more evenly distributed. Thus, allowing the working class to see a reason to work and make a wage, and provide the backbone for creating wealth for the ruling class. This however is not the case, according to a video done on the wealth distribution in the United States done by,

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