
The Opposite Of What's Real By D. R. Meredith

Decent Essays

I recently read a quote “looking at people is like looking at a mirror: the image is perfect, but it’s the opposite of what’s real” by D.R. Meredith, it got me thinking about life and about the suicides that have increased all because of depression. I agree with the quote that D.R. Meredith demonstrates because people can look at someone and see that they’re happy but in reality in the inside they’re torn to pieces.
Furthermore, the quote demonstrates on how people can look different in the outside but in reality be hurt deeply in the inside. Everyday people can exhibit a different expression on their face but people don’t know how a person really feels until you play close attention to them. Moreover, if a person was to look at themselves in the mirror and was going through things at home or in any criteria; those emotions can be exhibited by mainly just them and they mask those emotions when heading out to school to not demonstrate that they’re sad or that problems are going on.
People had at least exhibit a moment in their life were they didn’t want to talk to anyone and just be by themselves because of the desire of those problems just to go away the next day. People demonstrate with their face expression that nothing is going on or bothering them showing they’re happy, but the reason why they’re masking those …show more content…

It’s a feeling were I just want to avoid the problems that’s going through ; try to forget it for a while, but mostly just have fun. This is the reason on how the quote relates to me because I’ve had moments were I was sad ; I looked at myself and wanted to show a different image that nothing was affecting me when in reality it really was. There were harsh moments but how I overcame those moments by talking to friends and family; learn from problems to find solutions if they’ll ever happen

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