
The Olive Tree : The Origin Of The Olive Tree

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The olive tree is a unique tree that has ancient roots. It only cultivates in subtropical climates in both the northern and southern hemispheres, mainly the Mediterranean regions. The olive tree grows between 10 and 40 feet tall and it harvests white flowers in the ending of spring, which grows into olives. It however does not start reaping olives until it is eight years old, and the olives it grows cannot be harvested until the tree is at least fifteen years old. Once the olive tree reaches this harvesting stage, it will harvest olives for the next 65 years and live for several hundred years. Olive oil which is obtained from the olives harvested from the olive tree have been in existence since early history. It is however not clear when and where olive trees originated from. Some historians state that the Persians were the first to have the proper equipment and ways to develop olive oil in 12,000 B.C. On the other hand, it is also recorded that the Egyptians have benefited from the use of olive oil for skin care, rituals for funeral and making their pharaohs (Kings) in to mummies in 6000 B.C. Other source states that this blessed tree was discovered in 5000 B.C. in Asia and expanded from Iran and Palestine to the rest of the Mediterranean.
The Greeks believe that the olive tree was a gift from the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, to the Greeks. In this culture, the olive tree is as a symbol of harmony, dignity, victory and the oil was used as a prize for the winner of the

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