
The Odyssey Movie And Why

Satisfactory Essays

Name Who it is What he/she did in The Odyssey Who would play him/her in a movie and why?
Description of character traits
Odysseus King of Ithaca Protagonist Denzel Washington
Polyphemus The cyclops who imprisoned Odysseus Odysseus called out to Polyphemus, laughing at him and telling him that it was not "No Man", but he, Odysseus, who had blinded him and fooled him Jack Black
Athena The goddess of wisdom, skills and warfare Odysseus’ strongest supporter out of the gods- wants to help Telemachus while disguised as a friend of the prince’s grandfather- prepares Telemachus for his journey to Pylos and Sparta.- saves Odysseus from Poseidon’s storm Halle
Zeus King of the gods Sends Hermes to rescue Odysseus from Calypso
Poseidon God of sea,

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