
The Obesity Epidemic : A Worldwide Healthcare Crisis

Decent Essays

Over the course of this semester we have stated time and again that the current Obesity epidemic represents a worldwide healthcare crisis. We have explored all the possible triggers of the increasing rise of obesity cases amongst children and adults of both developed and undeveloped countries. Ultimately, the prominent bearers of responsibility are governments, the food industry and the obese patients themselves. The question now is not who to blame, but who to look to for solutions. In this final assignment I will explore what are the relative roles of government, industry, and individuals responsibility in meeting the obesity epidemic? and, To what extent is this problem and its putative solution(s) similar to that of other global problems. Problems which affect people at global scales are usually driven by default conditions.[1] Defaults are settings to which individuals are exposed in their everyday lives, and that have effect on particular aspects of their health and their behavior. Obesity, like other global problems such as climate instability and pollution, is influenced or driven by default conditions. In order to better understand to what extent defaults affect people let 's explore the comparison of unhealthy foods with toxic agents in an environment. In order to properly treat and prevent any disease that comes as a result of the exposure to toxic agents, the common approach would be to remove the toxic agents from the environment. In the obesity epidemic

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