
The Nurse 's Role With Patients

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The Nurse’s Role in Helping Patients Cope with Loss

Laurel Ellzey

Denver School of Nursing

Death is a universal part of life. Everyone will eventually experience it. Nurses play an integral role with their patients when it comes to dealing with bereavement, grief, and mourning. Nurses provide bereavement care by listening to patients, helping them express their emotions, and involving them in the entire process. Nurses frequently tend to the emotional needs of their patients, but not their own, which can result in nurse burn-out. Nurses are expected to be resilient when it comes to death, but when they sweep their emotions under the rug to get on with the day and are not given the resources needed to grieve successfully, how can they achieve this?

The Nurse’s Role with Patients and Loss
Death is a part of life and eventually everyone on this earth will experience it. Nurses play an important role with bereaved patients. Not only by being there, but also because everyone grieves in their own way. However, for those experiencing disenfranchised grief, the process may be more difficult. Mourning the death of a loved one is a natural response to death and Worden’s four tasks allow those to progress through the tasks in any way. Bereavement, grief, and mourning are all affected by one’s culture, religion, and the relationship among deceased, their personality, and how the person died.
Bereavement Role

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