
The New Deal Persuasive Essay

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Thesis 1: It is arguable that America’s use of the atomic bomb on Japan was the best method possible to end World War II, especially when taking into account the lives of soldiers and civilians, in addition to the costs of continued warfare. (NAT, 7.3.III.D & 7.3.III.E) Topic sentences: ➢ The atomic bomb provided justice for the hundreds of thousands of innocent Chinese citizens -and soldiers- killed by Japanese soldiers during the Rape of Nanking, and the Americans who died during the bombings of Pearl Harbor. ➢ To continue, with billions of American dollars already pumped into World War II, the atomic bomb ended the conflict almost instantly; making it the far cheaper alternative to possibly years of continued fighting via aerial bombing …show more content…

Thesis 2: It is arguable that the New Deal proposed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt was vastly successful in stimulating the American economy and society as a whole, due to the series of federal programs and acts it created which, were aimed at relieving the calamities brought about by the Great Depression. (POL, WXT, 7.1.III.A) Topic Sentences: ➢ The New Deal resulted in a federal program known as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC); which helped the economy by putting hundreds of thousands of Americans to work on projects that benefited the environment. ➢ In addition, the New Deal led to the enactment of the Social Security Act of 1935; which helped establish a peace of mind among vulnerable American citizens by providing them with economic security. ➢ Lastly, the New Deal created The Works Progress Administration; which helped provide work to unskilled men throughout America. Thesis 3: It can be said that the different means of entertainment in America during the twentieth century brought people very close together, especially when looking at nightclubs, radios and theatrical performances. (CUL 7.2.I.A) Topic

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