
The Negative Effects Of Zero Earthquavity On Humans

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Zero gravity can be something fun to experience, but it can also have some bad effects on humans. Zero gravity or weightlessness happens when the effects of gravity are not experienced. Humans have been experiencing zero gravity since the year 1961 when Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel to space. Zero gravity has became something humans experience for fun. For example there is a company called Zero G and they they allow people to pay money to go up in a plane and experience zero gravity. Even though some people find Zero gravity as a experience of a lifetime, it can also have some bad effects on humans. The International Space Station is in constant freefall above Earth. It’s forward motion is just about equal to the speed it falls to earth. This allows the astronauts inside to experience zero gravity. One function of The International Space Station is to test the long term effects that zero gravity has on the human body. It was a huge focus for the first one year long mission where astronauts were in zero gravity for one year straight. ( NASA uses astronauts to determine the effects of zero gravity on humans. They send them to the International Space Station for long period at a time. Just recently Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko were the first humans to spend one consecutive year in space. NASA used them to test the effects of zero gravity on humans. They used that information to help determine how humans would react to zero

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