
The Negative Effects Of Video Games On The Brain

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Thesis Statement The effects of video games on the brain was a topic chosen to explain the negative effects of gaming on a person’s overall health. The research on the effects of video games on the brain was captivating and made me want to learn more about the negative effects due to extended periods of gaming. Research from scholarly articles, written by different credible sources associated in this field, denotes that video gaming can cause negative when played. Evidence includes how gaming can affect people(a) how video games affect a person’s overall health, (b) how to negate the negative effects of video games, and (c) how video games can affect your overall education. Focusing on these points help support the claim that video gaming can negatively affect the brain. Methodology The effects of video games on the brain developed into my topic through a desire to indicate a growing issue. In adhesion, I selected this topic to inform people about the numerous effects of video games to the human brain. Through arduous periods of research, I began to learn about the catastrophic effects of playing digital games. This topic led me to many websites and credible articles supplying evidence to support my claim that playing video games has a negative effect on a person’s health. Scholarly articles and a survey assisted me in learning about the effects of technological gaming. I learned how video gaming can lead to many severe problems in kids and adults alike. Research on this topic illustrated that video gaming has negative effects on humans. Based on my research, I developed my conclusion on why playing video games can negatively affect the brain. After research, I began to develop my conclusion of how video games negatively affect the brain. After developing my conclusion, I began to complete the paper and display board based on that conclusion. How Do Video Games Affect the Brain? Video games may alter the reward processing areas of your brain, potentially leading to addiction, and may desensitize players to violence (Mercola 2017). Desensitizing humans can affect how aggressively act towards others. Longer hours of playing video games can lead to addiction and

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