
The Negative Effects Of Teen Depression

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Teenage depression Teen depression ultimately impacts this society generation . Recognizing the signs and diagnostics that could prevent teenagers with this mental illness. , Be aware there are several different types of depression . Teens from one or more types. Teenage depression is becoming a problem in today’s society. However, Depression, it’s a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness and lost of interest also called clinical depression, it’s affects how you feel , think , and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems . You may have trouble doing normal day-to -day activities and sometimes you may feel as if it’s not worth living . according to …show more content…

Although any individual can experience the mental teenagers are mainly at risk for it or, experience depression because of their experience it’s not quite strong . and when they have a problem they aren 't aware on how to solve the problem, but the main reason why is because of social life , communication . If the teenagers do not get the help that they are needed then it will cause the teen depression and teen suicide to increase continuously. Teens will start feeling sad, changes in his/her appetite . But now in this new world of technology , there’s a new way to diagnose it , which is screened to test for depressive symptoms . Friends of the victim should be able to spot out the illness or the changes in one’s behavior . Nearly around 5,639 has been diagnosed with depression by a clinician in a non-hospital setting between 2009 and 2010 blood test . And it continued to grow even more between 2010 through 2017. There are numerous different types of depression , Further to my previous statement. The first type of depression is Adolescent depression ,Adolescent depression can be another word for teen depression, The type of disorder that affects the youth . It also leads to sadness, discouragement and loss of self worth . Adolescent depression can be a massive shift in the way they see

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