
The Negative Effects Of Cyberbullying

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Cyberbullying has been more popular now than ever, with many children and teens worldwide affected by it. Cyberbullying has negative effects and consequences to the mind and can cause depression. Many people are affected by this, and according to studies, “more than one in three young people have experienced cyberthreats online”(Cyberbullying Statistics). This research shows that bullying may harm countless people under the age of eighteen who use the media. The results of cyberbullying can have negative impacts to people of all ages throughout their life and may lead to stress, rash decisions, and even suicide.
Cyberbullying can have lasting effects on the mind throughout a person’s life. Bullying can cause impacts on one’s mental health and may have consequences that can include anything from anxiety to suicide. Dr. Kennedy states, “Research shows that the effects of bullying can persist into adulthood, affecting both the victim and the bully for the rest of their lives. Many of these effects of bullying can be short-term, but there are also long-term consequences” (Kennedy). This quote proves that research has shown bullying affects people even until their adulthood. These long-term outcomes can cause children to suffer from depression and low self-esteem. In fact, low self-esteem may lead to addictions to drugs and/or alcohol, abusive relationships, unwanted pregnancies, and poor self-image. This confirms that long-term consequences can cause one to make bad decisions,

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