
The Negative Effects Of Club Drugs

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According to Drug Free World, an estimated 208 million people use illicit drugs internationally. Some people take them at home or out with friends, but one of the main places drugs are common is on the dance floor. Club drugs have become increasingly prevalent in our culture and there seems to be no signs of stopping. With how easily these drugs seem to get into clubs the problem is becoming larger and larger. These substances, whether its smoked, swallowed, inhaled, or injected, are extremely dangerous. They are used for their “high” and hallucinogenic effect but are also used for the purpose of sexual assault. Club drugs are dangerous substances that have adverse effects on the user’s short term and long-term health. The popularity of …show more content…

However, everything comes at a price, the short-term health effects are: constricted blood vessels, dilated pupils, nausea, raised temperature and blood pressure, faster heartbeat, tremors and muscle twitches, and restlessness. The long-term effects of cocaine depend on how it is taken. If it is snorted effects include: loss of sense of smell, nosebleeds, frequent runny nose, and problems with swallowing. Ingesting orally leads to severe bowel decay from reduced blood flow. If it is injected, the effects include higher risk of contracting HIV, hepatitis C, and other bloodborne diseases. However, those who use non-needle forms of cocaine are still at risk for STDs because cocaine affects one’s judgement so one may lead to unsafe sexual behavior. Long term effects shared by all forms of cocaine include: being malnourished due to cocaine’s appetite suppressing properties, movement disorders such as Parkinson’s, irritability, restlessness, and severe paranoia which can lead to the loss of touch with reality and cause auditory hallucinations. Along with all the previously mentioned effects, if someone becomes dependent on cocaine, withdrawal symptoms include: depression, fatigue, increased appetite, nightmares, insomnia, and slowed cognitive function. I personally know someone who has tried cocaine and here’s what they said on the matter: “It felt like your nose was constantly dripping. Your mouth becomes extremely numb. The area from your nose to your throat,

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