
The Need for Diversity in the Fashion Industry

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Fashion models don’t need to be thin, they need to be diverse and healthy at whatever weight that is. Not everyone is supposed to be thin, some women are big boned and curvy, others are naturally slim and small boned, some are tall, others are short, some are light skinned and others are darker. So many diverse looks exist in the world today and the fashion industry need to change their perception of perfect. Body image in our society is out of control. We have young men and women comparing themselves to unrealistic models and images in the media and feeling bad about the way their own bodies look because they somehow don’t measure up. (Dunham, 2011) The struggle for models to be thin has led to models becoming anorexic or bulimic, …show more content…

(HELGA DITTMAR, 2004) The National Eating Disorders Association reported that twenty years ago, the average model weighed 8 percent less than the average woman (129 pounds vs. 140 pounds). Today, the average woman is 160 pounds and the typical model weighs 23 percent less (123 pounds). (National Eating Disorder Association, 2009) This may not seem like a huge jump, but for a 5'10" woman (a typical model height), 129 pounds equals the 18.5 BMI cut-off and 123 pounds is underweight. Keep in mind that these are averages; the unsaid reality is that young women in the industry are often encouraged to lose "ten pounds." Go on “starvation diets” undergo surgeries. Too often young women in the industry shrink under insecurity and pressure to maintain an ideal size that is not realistic for their own bodies, it is even worse as they mature because agencies want them to maintain the same body weight they had at age sixteen which should not be. Research has shown that more than 72 percent of women in the United States alone wear a size 12 and above. (Corrigan, 2013) Fashion brands are supposed to project a more accurate image of what women look like, why are we still using size zero models to advertise products? If the customers on average are bigger, brands should use more realistic, diverse looking models. Supermodels influence a whole generation of young women, these women see all the glamour

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