I have not had any personal experiences with hypnosis, but I have seen it briefly used in movies and television shows. In each instances I have seen it used I was always of the mindset that it is not real nor does it appear to be effective at all. According to our text, Lilienfield, it would appear that I am probably in the minority in this opinion. Specifically, I have seen a sports psychologist on a television show hypnotize her patient to help recall a childhood trauma to help identify why he has trusting issues and acts out. This certainly fits into the myth of hypnosis described in the text, which
Hypnosis can be traced as far back as the ancient Egyptians where it was used as a means of curing illnesses through suggestion, it was known as the curing sleep. Hypnosis can be described as a sleep like trance and a state of heightened relaxation, that hypnotists today call a trance state this is where you are more susceptible to suggestion and influence. Hypnosis can be used in many ways such as stage entertainment, therapy and as a means of investigation. For example Milton Erickson who is known as the father of modern hypnosis said “You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a
Looking back, it is clear now that hypnosis has been around for many centuries and the use of hypnotic states can be traced back to Shamans or Witch Doctors. In the 1700’s Franz Anton Mesmer produced his theory of “animal magnetism” in which he believed healing forces could be transferred through “cosmic fluid” there is no evidence to support the transfer of the healing energies devised by Mesmer but his success rate was high which lead to his patients being described as “mesmerized” and mesmerism is an early forerunner for modern day hypnosis. Many theories
My understanding of hypnosis is that it is a natural state and that all humans regularly enter a light trancelike state which they describe as “daydreaming”. It is not gaining control of a person so they act out of
Hypnosis is widely used in therapy for a number of reasons. The promotion of hypnosis as a cure for weight loss, smoking, exam nerves and other such
The aspects of hypnosis I have already explained all happen psychologically within the brain, when we look at stage hypnosis we see popular misconceptions we have been led to believe, everything is visual we see actual evidence of hypnosis, or we are made to believe that we are seeing real hypnosis this is all the showmanship of the hypnotist, of course the people who are hypnotised could well be but usually this is done back stage to save time and sometimes the people have been pre chosen to perform. As the hypnotist uses his ‘powers’ taps the person or tells them “sleep” for example they suddenly fall into a deep sleep, some of this could be due to conformity, the people do what they believe is expected of them.
Aldous Huxley has captured a dystopian world perfectly in his book Brave New World. Aldous has a futuristic twist to a dystopian society, incorporating decanting instead of birthing and no mothers and fathers. After being decanted, they instantly start hypnosis to get you to conform to their way of life. They also use the hypnosis as a way to teach the children how the caste system works. The most powerful are the Alphas, then the Betas, Gamma, Deltas, and lastly the Epsilons are the lowest in society.
The history of hypnosis is a bit like a history of breathing. Like breathing, hypnosis is an inherent and universal trait, shared and experienced by all human beings since the dawn of time. It’s only in the last few decades that we’ve come to realise that hypnosis itself hasn’t changed for millennia, but our understanding of it and our ability to control it has changed quite profoundly. The history of hypnosis, then, is really the history of this change in perception (History of Hypnosis, 2012). Although through the ages many rituals and practises from all over the world resemble modern day hypnosis, hypnosis from a western medical point of view started in 18th Century
Hypnosis is defined as a state of heightened suggestibility. It is used to calm down and relax. It can even be used as a replacement to anesthesia in surgeries (Maruyama Ch 6 lecture). In one case, two people, one man and one woman, put their hands into a bucket of ice, the woman hypnotized and the man at a normal mental state, and were told to rate their pain on a scale of one to ten at occasional intervals prompted by the experimenter and to leave their hands in the bucket for as long as possible. The woman, being hypnotized, never raised above one on her pain scale; whereas the man gradually raised and eventually pulled his hand out after a couple minutes (Hypnosis video shown in class). Some hypnosis techniques include hypnotic induction, in which one person leads the other into a trance, although there are also many YouTube videos online to listen to (Ch 6 PPT).
Hypnosis may be associated with luring and deception but more than the negative perceptions movies and other forms of media have molded before us, this process are actually beneficial and is being used for medical purposes. More than being linked to black magic, witches and trickery, the field of medicine has proven its positive effects versus different health conditions and to retain well-being.
One of the reasons I think that hypnosis is fake is because like there is proof that is real buts like what if behind the scenes they tell each other what they are going to say and stuff and then they say bark like a dog so the person just barks like a dog. But if it was real because there are ways like with people who smoke they went to some place and got hypnotized and then they stopped smoking.
In my opinion, the representation of hypnosis in media is exaggerated. In a way, it encompasses the general idea of altering thoughts and perceptions of an individual. However, it significantly embellishes the results. A more accurate way someone would display the results of hypnosis is by altering the daily choices they make, this could include the meals they eat, or smoking. It could also be a change in perspective, which would help with depression, anxiety, or pain management. I have never personally experienced hypnosis, although, I have considered trying it. A mother of one of my friends, does hypnotherapy regularly, she explained that it helps her stay focused on her goals and remain motivated toward losing weight. I think it’s interesting,
A forensic psychologist conducted a study to examine whether being hypnotized during recall affects how a witness can remember facts about an event. Eight participants watched a short film of a mock robbery, after which each participant was questioned about what he or she had seen. The four participants in the experimental group were questioned while they were hypnotized and gave 15, 22, 18, and 17 accurate responses. The four participants in the control group gave 20, 25, 24, and 23 accurate responses. Using the 0.05 significance level, do hypnotized witnesses perform differently than witnesses who are not
Hypnosis is a way of believe of something happening even when it’s not. For example: one can tell a person that she/he has been injured when they were little or abused and that person can really believe the occurrence even when nothing has happened to them. They might even have the visions of the moment happening in their mind, but when we come to reality none of it might be true. This happens in the mind, when they lose their conciseness and let the other person take the power to believe them. When a therapist is coastally telling you a lie, after a while you start to actually believe the event.
My thoughts on hypnosis are that its a good way to shows how powerful our brains are; it's all a matter of concentration to make it happen. I support it, and it should be continued to be used. It it used in a positive way to help others with in their mental area such as, phobias, anxiety, and anything that has to do with the mind. Hypnosis' definition is being in a stage of focusing only in what the person is told to; that's what Keith Barry did. With the two males and female, he asked them to put undivided attention to what he ask. Example with the female, she was told to put all negative thoughts into a broken piece of glass using focus,but consciousness; when she put all negative thoughts inside bottle, the bottle cracked. The mind was able
Hypnosis is seen by the general public as a type of mind control. A common misconception about hypnosis is that you can be forced to do something you would not normally do. In reality, the subject has to allow themselves to be hypnotized or it will not work. It is vital the subject of hypnotism approach it with an open mind. Around 90% of the human population is able to be brought into a hypnotic state. (Brown,1986, p. 3) . Hypnosis is a characterized state which allows for higher focused attention, heightened suggestibility and vivid fantasies.(Wagner). John Kihlstrom, the professor department of Psychology at the University of California, has said “The hypnotist does not hypnotize the