
The Mysterious Space Trooper : The Mysterious Space Trooper

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The Mysterious Space Trooper One day there was a mysterious but friendly space trooper. The space trooper was lonely and sad because he had nothing to do except skateboarding. He lived on the moon and he noticed there would be no one to be his friend because there are no people or any other friends that live in space but one day he found an alien and the alien didn’t want to be the space trooper’s friend because the alien thought the trooper was bad. After that, the strong trooper was doing a skateboard trick but his skateboard /broke apart and then he fell over and also he hurt his knee when the skateboard was broken. There was no one to help him so he was upset and he also couldn’t do his skateboard tricks with his favorite skateboard. He really wanted friends but he couldn’t find any and he was extremely bored. After a while, his skateboarding area was getting destroyed by rocks falling in it. Now he had really nothing to do and his knee was hurting more. Then there were two boys named John and Bob and they were going to the moon with their shiny spaceship. They are ready for their mission to go the moon! John wants to be an astronaut when his older and Bob wants to be a scientist and an astronaut. After 5 minutes they blasted off into space and they went past the atmosphere with their super-fast spaceship. The spaceship was made of metal and iron. The spaceship had twenty boosters and it had a massive fuel tank. Then there is trouble, some parts are falling off the spaceship so they quickly landed on the moon. When they arrived they saw a weird thing on the moon. Bob thought it was an alien but John thought it was a space trooper and he also thought he was upset. So they went to help him and the nice space trooper was so excited that they came. The boys also gave him a new skateboard and they got all of the rocks out of the skateboarding area. The energetic space trooper felt better and he showed his skateboarding tricks to the boys. They were friends and John and Bob had to leave. So they said bye and they left. They went home safely and the trooper was upset because they couldn’t stay for that long and the boys were proud that they could meet a space trooper in space.

Chapter 2:

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