
The Music Industry's Digital Revolution

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The record industries have change from the days of buying records to, A-track and now in this digital age of streaming. The supplies and demand business has takeover music industries, it is now, how we get it, how fast you get it and at what cost you to the consumers for the music. The demand would be a more convent way of listing to your favorite artist and the supply would be for different companies to stream the music to the consumer to keeping it current, this was the birth of Napster (napster2004).
The recorded music business has always led the way for creative industries in the digital world. That leadership continues today as the music industry’s digital revolution continues through new phases, driven by the consumer’s desire for access to, rather than ownership of, music (Frances Moore 2014).
Looking back on history, from the first inventor of the radio. Radio was created by George Owen squire. Mr Squier was a united states military General, his invention was the wired radio; a service that piped music to businesses and subscribers over wires. Squier, who, in the early 1920s, was granted several US patents related to transmission of information signals, including a system for the transmission and distribution of signals over electrical lines, recognized the potential of this technology for delivering music to listeners without the use of radio, which at the time required fussy and expensive equipment (Jeremy Norman). Squier created the “Muzak” band, it is just

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