
The Movie ' Scent Of A Woman '

Decent Essays

Sometimes there are things in life we have to learn, wheather is by someone we don 't know or things we have to see for ourselves. The movie, Scent of a woman played a big part in the example of growing up, and becoming a man. There was a blind man by the name of Lieutenant Frank Slade, and a high schooler named Charlie. What seemed like a short weekend job to earn some extra money, became a moment that could change Charlie 's way of life forever, and the Lieutenant was just the persson for him to experience this with. Charlie had no idea that the Lieutenant was planning a trip to New York, so he went anyways. Scared and worried that he had to go back to school to face a fear of getting expelled, he told the Lieutenant that he had a situation at school. See Charlie wasn 't like the rest of the students at his school. The other students had money, and Charlie was trying to get ahead to were he could be sucessful just like them at the school. Thats why he took the job, he didnt have money like the rest of his friends did. Lieutenant showed him different aspects of life before they left New York. They went out to eat at this fancy resturant, Charlie was wondering why the lieutenant wanted to go to a fancy resturant and spend all his money. The lieutenant taught him that money does 't keep you happy. Stating that he was 't happy hisself. So why not enjoy that weekend of fun! Next they went to his brother house. To me he wanted Charlie to go to his brother house with him to

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