
The Mirror Of Weaknesses Of Shakespeare 's Othello Essay

Better Essays

Krystal Li
Ms. Tafader
December 17, 2015
The Mirror for Weaknesses
Humans are contradictions, which good and evil nature both exists. The grand tragic play Othello written by Shakespeare illustrates the contradictions in human natures through the display of tragic falls of various characters such as Othello, Iago, and Roderigo. Othello, the protagonist of the play, fell in love with the daughter of a nobleman, Desdemona. However, this relationship is soon broken up because Othello believed the accusation from Iago, Othello’s subordinate, towards Desdemona for having a disloyal relationship with her husband Othello’s lieutenant, Michael Cassio. With his hidden nature, Othello chose to trust Iago and murdered his wife with his own hand. In this Shakespearean play, each character created by Shakespeare has distinct and complicated personalities, and Iago, being the main antagonist in the play, acts as a mirror that reflects the natural weakness and flaws in the characters Othello, Roderigo, and himself; ultimately, it displays the underlying evil intentions of human nature. Primarily, Iago, as a mirror, reflects Othello’s hidden tragic flaws that cause the befell of tragedy on him – credulity and inferiority. In the play, Iago has an evil plan on hurting Othello by falsely accusing Desdemona of being disloyal. With the nature of credulity, Othello did not recognize Iago’s evilness and contrarily, believes Iago’s fake honesty: “This fellow’s of exceeding honesty,/ And

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