
The Miracle Of Jesus Research Paper

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In Exodus 3:29, the Lord God called the nation of Israel a stiff-necked people; thus considering Israel’s obstinacy, and history of rejecting many of God’s chosen, it becomes of no surprise that Israel would also reject Jesus. According to the New Testament Scriptures, Jesus performed many signs and wonders to authenticate being the Son of God and Israel’s Messiah, however, and as recorded by the gospel writers Matthew and Mark (Matthew 12:22-37; Mark 3:20-30), Jesus’ miracle of casting a demon out of deaf and blind man was attributed to Beelzebub or Satan by the Pharisees (Pentecost, 1981). Hence, the miracle not only caused dismay amongst the Pharisees but the people who witnessed the miracle as well (Pentecost, 1981). Unfortunately, the people of Israel were taught through the law by the Pharisees that the sheep should follow the shepherd; therefore, the people of Israel were unwilling to accept Christ unless the Pharisees accepted Christ. Regrettably, the Pharisees as shepherds quickly convinced the sheep that the miracle performed in Matthew and …show more content…

Unfortunately for Israel, Jesus had other ideas about what constituted a relationship to the Messiah. Thus, in Matthew 12:46-50, it is recorded that Jesus’ rejected the idea of a blood relationship to the Messiah when Jesus refused to acknowledge the blood relationship that existed between Jesus and Jesus’ mother and brothers (Pentecost, 1981). Pointing to the disciples, Jesus’ Words indicated that any relationship to the Messiah must be spiritual and based on faith; furthermore, any relationship to the Messiah must also consist of wanting to do the Will of God (Pentecost, 1981). Jesus Words in Matthew’s narrative ran counterculture to what the Israelites believed; therefore, Israel continued to reject Jesus as the

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