
The Mesoamerica Period

Decent Essays

This class has been great! I have learned a lot about the Mesoamerica period and have gained a new incite to what has happened in this period with the forming of many new groups of people. The part that has affected my outlook the most is seeing how much we can learn from the past like the Spanish and the Aztec people coming from different parts of the world. I can see a new light to seeing people from different cultures coming to America that that we need to respect their traditions even if we have different believes and help people understand the United States traditions that we have. It is amazing what the Spaniard and Aztecs showed me that even though they came from different parts and cultures there has been an integration to many now traditional celebrations. …show more content…

Throughout Latin America Dia de los Muerros is celebrated for almost a week at the end of October and beginning of November. “The central idea is that during this period of public and private (family) rituals the living and dead family members and friends are joined together in an atmosphere of communication and spiritual regeneration,” as said in Religions of Mesoamerica by David Carrasco on page 142. They celebrate by giving food and drinks to the dead, build large or small shrines and have different celebratory things like parades. The celebration has a tradition of the Aztec with cosmovision.
Cosmovision has three part of world making, world centering and world renewal. The rituals of the Day of the Dead shows the three dimensions. “The preparations for the ceremonies are (worldmaking), the symbolism of the family altars to the dead (worldcentering), and the ceremonial feast of the dead, and spiritual union with the dead at the home and cemetery (worldrenewal) (Carrasco. 143). There are other aspects of the celebration that connect to the

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