
The Merchant of Venice Essay

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In the comedy, The Merchant of Venice, the roles and responsibilities of women is a significant social issue proposed by Shakespeare. This theme is communicated by the only three female characters in the play: Nerissa, Portia and Jessica. For example, in Act 4 during the trial between Antonio and Shylock, Portia and Nerissa disguise themselves as Balthasar and Bellario to free their friend. However, Jessica also plays a minor role in portraying the independence of Jewish women in a Christian and Elizabethan society, by successfully betraying her father, Shylock. These characters portray Shakespeare’s overall opinion on women, as well as a modern audience’s view on Elizabethan society in many significant ways by accentuating themes, ideas …show more content…

The audience, as well as Bassanio, view Portia as a beautiful, immaculate, aristocratic and “fair” lady. However after Act 5, Portia is nothing, but prejudicial and bigoted, as she is the cause of Shylock’s demise and claims that she used “my [her] body” to punish Bassanio for abusing her gift of love: the ring. This is ironic, because Portia infringes her relationship with Bassanio by inferring she has committed an affair, even though she herself accuses him of abusing her love and power by losing the ring. This implies that relationships in Elizabethan society were corrupt and fake, which allowed many women in particular to commit religious crimes against their husbands. Furthermore, Shakespeare additionally uses the theme of deception to convey that women are superior to men. This seen when Portia tells Nerissa that “I [she] have work in hand/ That you yet know of. We’ll see our husbands/Before they think of us” (3.4), as she wants to help Bassanio and Gratiano save Antonio’s life by disguising. In general, many Elizabethan playwrights such as Twelfth Night and The Merry Wives of Windsor, allow the audience to understand the fact that the position of women was such, so that they could not become “active” (3.4) in society. By Portia and Nerissa dressing up as Balthasar and Bellario, this would give them temporary masculinity and so, the ability to do things that normal social codes would not,

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