
The Mentor Experience Of Aging

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As a result of the mentor experience, my initial understanding of aging prior to the mentor experience changed. Initially, my understanding of aging what that it was an ongoing process of growth that can be denoted through the physical deterioration of the body. The body grows old, skin wrinkles, muscles shrink, and the bones weaken. However, this is not the only consequence of aging. Aging provides a new outlook on life and builds the spirit when reflecting on a life well-lived. Often times, aging is given a negative connotation when in reality it is a beneficial and positive process that leads to emotional, mental, and social growth. Consequently, one’s perspective of aging ultimately depends on their environments as well as their mediators. …show more content…

Finkel. He says that on picture day when other kids would dress up that he did not because he did not really understand why. Even in high school, he says that he didn’t really have a personality. However, he believes as he has gotten older that his personality has become more defined, and this is something that more commonly happens as you get older. There is a separation of emotion from personality as you get older. He says as a teenager when you would get upset that would involve your whole person whereas when you are older you are able to make that distinction. As you age, it is easier to realize that only part of you in angry, not all of …show more content…

Mr. Finkel also had his right leg amputated as a result of a car accident in Alabama in the 1980s. Fortunately, this accident did not permanently affect his mobility because soon after he received a prosthetic leg and attended physical therapy for some months. However, after receiving this amputation and even until today, Mr. Finkel experiences phantom pain in his right leg. Phantom pain is a sensation characterized by experiencing pain in a limb that has been amputated. Some believe it to be a mental perception, but little is known about its definite cause. Also, Mr. Finkel lost one eye as a result of the same accident. With aging, he developed arthritis and stiff joints which limited his range of motion. This proved to be troublesome as it was hard for Mr. Finkel to continue to play piano without discomfort. Despite the ailments in health Mr. Finkel has experienced throughout aging, he continues to enjoy classical music and playing the piano. The Positive Effect of Mediators on Aging Older adults face a lot of stressors as they age. Mediators effectively shape a person’s response to stress (Dedon, 2016). My mentor cited a couple of mediators in his life. His physician was very involved in his life as a patient. He credits his physician’s involvement as what helped him not to stress over his changing body and the disabilities he face. In addition, he used music as an outlet to his pain and aging. He says that music virtually

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