
The Medications She Takes For Her Mental Health Essay

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I interviewed Susan on September 9, 2016 about the medications she takes for her mental health. Susan is a 45-year-old female. She has one daughter Hannah, age 16. Susan and Hannah’s father were divorced when Hannah was three-years-old. Hannah currently lives with Susan during the week and visits her father, who lives about an hour away, every other weekend, some holidays, and several weeks during the summer. Susan lives in Simi Valley and works full-time in West Los Angeles to support herself and daughter. Susan takes two psychopharmacology drugs for her mental health. The first is a 20 mg fluoxetine (Prozac) pill which she takes once a day in the morning to help with her depression. The second is a 1 mg Lorazepam (Ativan) pill which she takes for stress when needed. She usually takes half a Lorazepam pill three to four times a week when she experiences anxiety and chest pain. Rarely does she need to take Lorazepam during the day.
Susan started taking these medications approximately thirteen years ago, a couple years after she divorced her husband. While married she had an extremely unhealthy relationship with her husband and his family and she basically did slave labor for his family’s carpet cleaning business for ten years. Shortly after the divorce her ex-husband remarried a woman who made Susan and Hannah’s life miserable. The new wife constantly threatened to take Susan to court to get custody of Hannah. She was verbally abusive to Susan including calling her a

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