
The Media 's Influence On American Culture By The Dominate Ideology Of White Middle Class Males

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Beauty is defined in American culture by the dominate ideology of white middle class males. Hegemonic ideology is promoted by online media outlets with femininity communicated as a way to serve the sexual desire of men (pp. 449). The pressure on women to look and behave certain ways is deeply imbedded in our everyday life. I will use two online media stories; the PBS online video, Merchants of Cool, and Yahoo Style as the basis of this essay. The PBS video, Merchants of Cool is about the merchant and media outlets that target the teenage population with their estimated $150 billion annual spending power. The video looks at how these merchants, through both pop-culture and teen surveys (i.e. cool hunting), give the impressionable teenage market what they want and what today’s top five enormous companies push them to want. Newscorp, Disney, Viacom, Universal Vivendi and AOL/Time Warner are responsible for selling nearly all of youth culture; they are the true “Merchants of Cool”. According to West & Turner (2014), cultural studies is essentially concerned with how elite groups such as the media exercise their power over subordinated groups and is rooted in two fundamental claims; culture pervades and invades all facets of human behavior, and people are part of a hierarchical structure of power (pp. 441). Marketing groups examine very closely the behaviors that many of the people in their target demographic are engaged in and why. Marketing relies on social

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