
Direct Analysis Of Construction Delays

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The parameters of measurement of success of any project-time, cost, safety, quality and customer satisfaction can be severely affected by construction delays (Shujaa Safdar Gardezi, 2013). This study investigates various factors affecting the timeline of the schedule by various participants in the project, followed by mathematical analysis to propose that the major reasons for delays are the domestic issues of the country.
2.1 Current techniques for the analysis of delays Following are three different modes of application of delay analysis techniques based on their simulations with fundamental schedules:
1. Direct Analysis
Direct analysis involves examining the available schedule information without doing any simulations and modifications. Therefore, it is relatively simple, easy, less time consuming and a lot less expensive to perform.
2. Additive Analysis
In this methodology, the delays are added to the schedule as individual activities to simulate the actual scenario of occurrence and reflect the effects of the delays on the as-planned schedule. The additions of the delays can be performed individually knowns as single stage analysis as well as in multiple schedules also known as multi-stage analysis (Trauner, 1990). Some of the examples of additive analysis are time impact analysis, impacted as-planned, window analysis and as-planned but for.
3. Subtractive Analysis
In this analysis, modifications and simulations are carried out on the as-built schedules in a backward

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